You Go . . .

In my car I have Sirius Radio, and BTW I love it! Anyway the other day I heard a song from the 70s, Lonesome Loser by Little River Band, and immediately thought about the Democrats. 

”Have you heard about the Lonesome Loser?
Beaten by the Queen of Hearts every time.
Have you heard about the Lonesome Loser?
He’s a loser but he still keeps on trying.”

In my mind the Queen of Hearts is the Independent voter, mainly in the Heartland. Why do the Lonesome Losers (the Democrats) keep on going with the same kind of horses when they can’t win? Why the Democrats apparent insistence going more and more leftward with their party’s ideas? (Granted one of the reasons they lost in 2016 was that they had a flawed candidate, but as I have pointed out before, the country is not ready to elect another liberal/leftist candidate. Barack Obama was elected because he was black and was a very persuasive speaker.) Yes, certainly there are areas of the country that lean very leftward, but California and New York will not be enough to elect a very liberal president in 2020. 

Yet, at this point, it appears that most of the headlines are being made by those young fillies on the far left like Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Rep Ilhan Omar, and Rep. Tlaib, each of whom has won only one race. (“You go, girls! Continue speaking out!”) 

CNN  just had a focus group of Democratic voters, and they rejected Joe Biden because they “wanted a candidate that was more progressive,” i.e. further to the left. This is despite the fact that Mr. Biden apparently has an early lead in some polls.(You go, CNN. Continue pushing left!”) 

In my opinion Sen. Cory Booker, Sen.Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Saunders, and Sen Kamala Harris are too liberal to be elected President. Most times when they speak, I hear a lot of nice-nellyisms (an evasive style, full of circumlocutions).They are far from being thoroughbreds, and yet they are the ones that are receiving the most publicity in the newspapers.(You go NYTimes  & WaPo. Continue your liberal slant.)

Today in both in the national WSJ and also in the local liberal paper, the headlines announced the intent of the Democrats in the House to “step up Trump probes.” (You go Adam Schiff, Intelligence Committee (Rep, CA) and you go Rep. Jerrold Nader (D,NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.) At some point these continued “investigations” will start to have a negative effect with the independent voters, who are already tired of Mueller’s unending “investigation of ??.”

The “final nail in the Democratic coffin” will occur on March 3, 2020 because on that date there will be primaries in the liberal states of California, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Vermont. This will be after approximately seven or eight Democratic debates, and MSNBC and NBC will have the progressives fired up and in a frenzy. After this day a very liberal progressive candidate is likely to have the lead in the race to oblivion. (You go, progressives. The further left, the better!)

At this point even though I do not have experience in handicapping, I am going to predict the following results from the Nov. 3, 2020 election race. (You go, Contrarian.)

Win: Donald Trump – actually by a comfortable margin.

Place: Kamala Harris

Show: The independents, especially those from the heartland, who showed up big time and carried Trump across the finish line!

Remember you heard it here first!

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