“Woe Is Us”

Is anybody other than myself tired of the incessant coronavirus headlines? . . .  most of which are of the “woe is us” variety. To be honest, I no longer care that over the last week the death rate for our county went from two to five. I also no longer care that the case rate went up to 230 per day because testing has ramped up, or that the case positivity rate went from 4.2% to 3.9%.

Today however, one particular headline caught my attention:

“Coronavirus cases rising in U.S. children.” (should not a surprise to any rational person); 

For the same article, the sub-headline was:

“Increase tied to schools reopening and other activities” (duh . . . ya think?) 

The article goes on with a bunch of basically useless statistics, which state the obvious . . . kids can get Covid. The stats also demonstrate another obvious . . . while most kids have little if any symptoms, kids can die from Covid. There have been 625,000 youth cases, up to age 20, with 109 deaths. (The 0.017% chance of a youth dying is not mentioned.)

Some infectious disease specialist commented that ”some families will be grieving for a long time.” Again, a family will grieve if a child dies (not news) however kids need to return to school, and this is a pandemic.

I would have preferred the headline for this same article to read:

Good news; kids are going back to school and risk is extremely low”

Being a realist, I understand that it will be quite a long time until there is a Covid headline something like this and not of the “woe is us” variety.

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