“With All Due Respect …”

As background, Californians pay 79.6 cents per gallon in gas taxes in addition to fees. A lot of these fees are related to climate change, This come to an additional 38.9 cents per gallon for a combined total of $1.19 per gallon of gas. Not only does California have the highest gas tax in the country, but as of last week it also had the highest gas price in the country. As the last gas tax hikes were in 2017 and 2019, one might ask …”with all due respect, who is proposing and encouraging gas tax hike after gas tax hike?” The short answer is: the politicians in Sacramento, most of whom, … and I am going out on a limb here … most of whom do not drive. ( I just cannot imagine a state politician driving on I-5 between Stockton and Bakersfield with the tule (pronounced “too-lee”) fog in the winter or the 100+ temperatures in the summer.) For sure our last few governors here in California do not drive, but yet are happy to sign on to increasing gas taxes. Does anyone besides me think that in order to impose higher gas taxes on everyone else, the voting politician must drive? When can we expect some reporter to ask the Governor, of California, “With all due respect, sir, do you drive a car?”

Similarly at a national level should a president who reflexively by diktat immediately canceled the Keystone Pipeline with a resultant increase in gasoline prices across the country for everybody, should he himself be a driver? Realistically, probably not, but should he at least have a driver’s license?

Likewise should a President and a Vice President make proclamations about our southern border without having actually viewed the problem in person? Most rational people would say, “no,” and this leads me to the real purpose of this essay . . . Should politicians be pro-abortion without actually having seen an abortion? Can Democratic politicians be staunchly pro-abortion if they have never witnessed an abortion? It has always been interesting to me that pro-abortion politicians are never asked that question. I postulate that the reason for this is because the answer would undoubtedly be “Err … no I have never witnessed an abortion.”

Someone should ask the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Beccera, if he has ever witnessed a partial birth abortion. For all intents and purposes his answer would most likely be … “err, not actually.”

Why are pro-abortion politicians never asked, “With all due respect, sir (or ma’am) have you ever personally witnessed an abortion?” 

Actually the answer as to why this question is never asked to national politicians is the same as to why no Sacramento reporter would ever ask a Governor of California if he ever drives a car and is forced to pay gas taxes.  Namely, everyone knows the answer!

When will some news reporter with fortitude have the chutzpah to publicly ask that question? Will anyone ever be allowed to ask the most pro-abortion President in history that question? (“With all due respect, Mr. President, in light of your overwhelming support of abortion policies, have you ever witnessed a live abortion?”) 

I can imagine that his answer would be akin to … “Come-on, man!”


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