Win, Win

Right from the git-go, I must admit that this was not my original idea, but I liked it so much, that I thought I would write about it. This is an approach being suggested by Rep. Mo Brooks, who is now running for Senate in Alabama. 

“I would say to the Canadian truckers — we’ve got our supply chain issues here in the United States of America. We could use some more truckers in the United States of America. And I suggest we give or offer them all political asylum,” Brooks said during an interview with Mobile, Alabama, radio FM Talk 106.5. “I think that’d be great if they were to leave Canada, come to the United States of America, move our goods from the East Coast to the West Coast and every point in between, and see what Canada then does — as they have, in effect, expelled these truckers by denying them their liberty and freedom.”

It seems like a win-win … a win for the U.S. and a win for freedom loving Canadians. Think about it. As Brooks said, the U.S. needs truckers. These Canadian guys are experienced journeymen. They have already been driving back and forth across the border. Driving semis in the U.S. would be no problem. Interested trucking companies would hire them in a nano-second, and the Canadian truckers would not even have to provide their own trucks. 

Whether they stayed indefinitely, or only for a short time, it would be a  win for these truckers as once again, they could provide for their families by doing what they do well. If, after a trial period, for whatever reason, they liked their new life in the U.S. better than their old life in Canada, so be it … become naturalized.

The other part of the win-win is that this would not only be a win for the truckers, but it would be a win for all freedom loving Canadians. It would be like poking a stick in Trudeau’s eye. At some point Canadians will get tired of supply chain shortages, all because the all knowing Prime Minister would not even meet with the truckers, but instead resorted to name calling. What goes around comes around, and hopefully his recent autocratic behavior will be his demise.

At this point many Americans would agree with Rep. Mo Brooks. Recruit the Canadian truckers. The one problem with this win-win idea is  … Joe Biden. The U.S. President is big buds with Trudeau … you know, birds of a feather. However J.B.’s polling numbers desperately need some good news, and resolving our supply chain misery would be one way for J.B. to potentially reverse his continued downhill slide.


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