“Will The Real … Please Stand Up”

To Tell the Truth” was an old TV Quiz Show on which a celebrity panel would try to guess which of the three contestants was the real Mr./Ms. XYZ. The panelists would ask questions and the real Mr./Ms. XYZ would need to answer truthfully, whereas the two imposters could lie and ad lib. 

Keep in mind that this show had some relatively famous individuals as contestants, including Berry Gordy Jr. (founder of Motown Records), 

Ted Geisel aka Dr. Seuss, Alex Haley (Author of the book Roots), and 

Gordie Howe (a famous professional ice hockey player who went by the nickname “Mr. Hockey”).

After the three panelists asked questions, they would then choose which of the three contestants they thought was the real Mr./Ms. XYZ. After their choices were displayed, it was then that the host would say . . . “Will the real XYZ, please stand up.”

At this point you might be saying . . . “Nice useless old TV trivia, but who cares!” The segue here occurred this morning as I thought about this relic of a TV quiz show when I asked myself, “Who is the real Joe Biden?” 

Is he:

#1 A docile looking senior citizen with the gray hair who more often 

      than not appears somewhat confused?

#2 Merely a figurehead who is being controlled and manipulated by 

      some unknown puppet-master(s)?

#3 A cantankerous and vengeful old man?

If on that old quiz show when the question was asked, “Will the real Joe Biden please stand up?” . . . After a short pause, #1, #2, and #3 would all simultaneously stand up, as the real Joe Biden appears to be all three!

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