Why This Ploy ?

Please help me understand this Democrat impeachment ploy. It makes no sense! Is there some underlying “secret plan?” I am betting that there must be . . . but let’s think this whole thing through for a few seconds. First of all, in general, the Democrats aren’t stupid. Their policies are often stupid, but they usually are not. Granted they often think emotionally, or in other words they often do not think things through, but again that doesn’t mean that they are all dumb. Certainly with this impeachment ploy, the Democrats are playing to their base, but there must be more than this sucking up to the far left. Everyone who has half a brain realizes that the Senate will never convict President Trump on this impeachment charge, or charges. It would take a 2/3rds vote in the Senate to convict, and this is just not possible, even if a few of the RINOs, like Mitt Romney, are swayed by the Democrat’s caterwauling. Sure the Dems in the House will be able to yell, point fingers, and suggest just about anything, but basically the country has heard their bleating before on multiple occasions. They will convince just a few of the country’s independents, as most of the non-Dems are growing pretty tired of the constant Democrat posturing. In addition many of the Dems in the House will then have to go on record as supporting this nonsense – to their potential detriment in the 2020 elections.

Making this ploy even more potentially catastrophic for the Dems is that if there is a trial in the Senate, the defense (President Trump’s Legal team) will be able to call a multitude of witnesses, including possibly Comey, Biden, and even Hillary, etc. to testify under oath. There will potentially be a number of individuals thrown under the proverbial bus, as c.y.a. will become endemic! Again this makes no sense. Why go through with this version of political suicide?

I can think of only two possible reasons for this frivolity. First, those in the know may realize that the chance of defeating Trump in 2020 is a long shot, and so they are willing to do something desperate to try to alter the momentum and simultaneously fire up their base to actually turn out to vote and thus change the inevitable. Possible, but again potentially suicidal. Second, the Dems may be willing to risk it all in order to win control of the Senate. When this ridiculous attempt at impeachment fails in the Senate, their message to the voters will be to defeat those sob’s who allowed Trump to dodge his “just and deserved punishment.”

In the 2018 elections, it seemed to me that President Trump adroitly put all of his impetus and effort behind those candidates running for the Senate. His gambit worked. He knew that the real power is in the Senate (confirmation of judicial nominees including those nominated for the Supreme Court, and the power on any further impeachment trials that come up from 2020 to 2024.) Undoubtedly Justice Ginsberg will not still be on the Supreme Court much longer after 2020, and another conservative Trump appointee will solidify a conservative majority in the Supreme Court for decades to come. Trump knows this and the Dems know this, and so perhaps they are willing to risk the whole kit-and-caboodle on these upcoming Senate contests. Will this ploy work? . . . No!

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