Why ?

A while back I learned a few things that I found interesting and had not known before. What initially spurred me on was an article from the Epoch Times that was sent to me. I had never heard of, much less ever read the Epoch Times. The article was “State Department Rebukes China’s ‘Decadeslong War on Faith.’” While I was aware that the mass detentions of Uyghurs, a Moslem ethnic minority in the Xinjiang province of northwest China, is an ongoing issue, I was not aware of the repression of Tibetans and Buddhists and Falun Gong as well as Christians in China. 

I then decided to google “Falun Gong,” because I knew nothing about them, and that’s where it got interesting. Falun Gong was founded in 1992. It is an ancient Chinese spiritual discipline in the Buddhist tradition. At the core of Falun Gong are the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. This all sounds good, but apparently not in China.

By 1999, Falun Gong had grown to become the largest and fastest growing practice of the sort in Chinese if not world history. In just seven years since its 1992 introduction to the public, an estimated 100 million people were practicing Falun Gong. The Communist China Party did not like the fact that there were so many Chinese practicing Falun Gong, and hence, their repression.

Millions of innocent people in China have been fired from their jobs, expelled from school, jailed, tortured, or killed simply for practicing Falun Gong. 

For the tens of millions of people who practice Falun Gong today in China, each day they live at risk of being taken away by Chinese authorities to be jailed, tortured—or worse. ‘Worse’ meaning that the organs of those who practice Falun Gong are being used in China for transplants . . . against their wishes!

Okay, so what is the segue to us in the U.S.? (Keep in mind that not surprisingly, I did not read about the following in my local newspaper.) 

On June 2,2020 President Trump signed an executive order that declared support for religious freedom a foreign policy priority. It mandated that “the United States will respect and vigorously promote this freedom abroad.” Is this not a good thing? Why did I not read about this in my local liberal newspaper?

The Religious persecution in China has intensified over the past year as the regime continues with its “decadeslong war on faith,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had said while presenting his department’s annual assessment on the religious freedom record around the world.

I must have again missed this in my local liberal anti-Trump newspaper. Why ?

What is our present administration’s and our State Department’s stance on the persecution of Falun Gong and the Uyghurs? Hmmm!

Here’s a hint:

On 6/16/21, House Democrats voted against an amendment that would have required companies to inform their shareholders if they engaged in activities with a Chinese official or company using forced labor.

The amendment, introduced by Kentucky Republican Rep. Andy Barr, would require companies to disclose to shareholders annually their activities with any “foreign entity” that “engages in, is responsible for, or facilitates the forced labor of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and members of other Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted on 6/16/21 in response,

“The ‘Woke’ party’ would rather keep turning a blind eye than stand against human rights’ abuses.”

Who do you think the ‘Woke party’ is?

I resurrected this piece about the Falun Gong because of a recent statement by the co-owner of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors.

Golden State Warriors owner Chamath Palihapitiya said “nobody cares” about China’s brutal mistreatment of Uyghurs. “Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, okay?” said Palihapitiya to his interviewers in a recent podcast. “You bring it up because you care and I think it’s nice that you care. The rest of us don’t care. I’m just telling you a very hard, ugly truth. Of all the things that I care about, yes, it is below my line.” The U.S. has officially designated the Chinese Communist Party’s actions against Uyghurs a “genocide.”

Wow! … Why would this bozo say something like that?

A sign of the times ?


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