Who’s Talking ? Who’s Buying?

Many years ago one of my wife’s aunts, Sister Ann, was staying overnight at one of my daughters. As conversation was becoming increasingly awkward, my daughter decided to rent a movie. So which movie to rent? As Ann was a nun the movie had to be non-violent, non-sexual, non-political, and ‘non’ just about everything! So she rented “Babe, Pig in the City”, which was an innocent movie about a talking pig. Perfect she thought, as both her great aunt and her young children could watch it.                                                                                                       After about one hour into the movie, Sister Ann queried, “Who’s talking?”

I happened to recall this cute story the other day when I was thinking about the ‘over-the-top’ bad coverage that Donald Trump is receiving from the mainstream media.                                                                                                                              “Who’s talking?”

Well of course, the talking is being done by the left both in print and on T.V., but is this what the average middle-class American wants to hear and read about?

I think that we can all agree that the military is a highly respected and admired institution in the U.S. Yet on May 30th, the day after Memorial Day, there was nothing on the front page of the ‘Dueling Banjos’ (New York Times and the Washington Post) about Memorial Day celebrations. Not only that, but neither of the ‘dueling banjos’ had anything on their front pages about the military being honored on Memorial Day.

Our local dueling banjo wannabe “newspaper” (San Diego Union Tribune – heretofore to be known as “the lemming”) followed suit, with nothing on the front page about the military. Neither the ‘dueling banjos’ or the ‘lemming’ mentioned President Trump’s wonderful speech at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on the front page. Amazingly, the front page of the ‘lemming’ had articles titled “Electricity Regulators Preparing for the Effects of Eclipse”, “Woman Taming Her Anxiety”, and, of course, an anti-Trump story, “Inquiry Turns to Kushner’s Motives in Contacts”.

Is this what the active or retired military, here in San Diego wanted to read about?                                                                                                                                                   The story, “Trump Honors the Nation’s Fallen” was relegated to page four – and this in a Navy town!

The above examples of the front pages of liberal newspapers on the day after Memorial Day are merely egregious examples of what is happening just about every day. The last time that the SDUT had a picture of our president on the front page was about a month ago, and this was near the headline, “Comey: Trump Tried to Influence Probe” – which BTW is not even true!

So back to “Who’s talking?”, and it’s important corollaries of “Who’s reading?” and “Who’s listening?”

Here in San Diego many of my non-liberal friends have stopped our local “newspaper” because of its overwhelmingly, and sometimes nauseating leftward slant. Outside of the liberal coastal elites, who is continuing to read the NYT and WaPo? I doubt that many in the Mid-Atlantic States, the Rust Belt, or the Deep South were ever regular readers of the ‘dueling banjos’. So the answer to, “Who’s reading?” is . . . those that voted for Hillary are reading the left’s propaganda newspapers. Likewise, “Who’s listening?” Those that tune into CNN, MSNBC, and ABC are listening and these are also the ones that voted for Hillary.

I think that the typical American is becoming more and more turned off by the obvious mainstream bias. Middle America is just not buying what the ‘dueling banjos’, etc. are selling.

The photojournalist Chris Arnade reported on Twitter what he was seeing in Mountain Grove, Mo., on the morning while Mr. Comey was testifying. The conversation topics at the local McDonald’s : “1.)Yard work/lawn mowers,          2) Danger of bees, 3) Cardinals sucking” . . .

The Comey hearings were not in the top five. Missourians are just not interested in what’s going on in Washington politics. It is rumored that CNN was polling whether or not Trump should be impeached . . . but they stopped, and did not report the results when it was running 70% “No”.                      America is not buying this impeachment charade that CNN and MSNBC are selling.

On 6/20/17, Republican Karen Hendel defeated Democrat, Jon Ossoff, in Georgia’s 6th, despite millions of dollars coming in from outside of Georgia for Ossoff.                                                                                                                                              Georgians did not buy what the outside elites were selling!

Is there any buying goin’ on?

This leads me to the all important issue of Trump’s tweets. Most everybody on T.V. and in the newspapers are of the opinion that our president should stop tweeting.

However, who’s talking in these tweets? The President is talking.                             I say, “Go for it, Mr. President!”

This is not just because I am a contrarian.

I say, “Right on, Mr. President”, because tweeting is his way of talking to his fellow Americans – those who voted for him, and they’re buying what Donald Trump is selling.

These millions who read his tweets, surely are not buying what the ‘dueling banjos’ or any of their wannabes and lemmings are selling!

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