Who’s Batting Second ?

Who will end up as the Democratic candidate? This will be up in the air for a long time to come. Biden, Harris, Sanders, and Warren are the favorites at this time, and I doubt that this will change much in the next year. However, once the field gets narrowed down, the focus will be on the potential running mate. Just as important as who is the presidential nominee, is the question of who will be his/her V.P. It will be a tough 12 months for all of the  potential presidential candidates, and for sure enemies will be made! Just like the situation with Trump on the campaign trail precluded him from picking his V.P. from the multitude that were on the stage with him for the debates . . . too many “enemies” were made! The same thing could potentially happen with Democrats. For example, this point, I could not fathom Joe Biden choosing Kamala Harris as his running mate after she made a point going after him in their first debate.

From my perspective it will be imperative for the Dems for have a woman on the ticket. However, if Warren, Harris, or any of the other female long-shots were to be their presidential nominee, they could not have two females, one as the presidential and one as the vice presidential candidate. If they do end up with a female nominee for president, the VP candidate on the ticket would be . . . Who? This would be a big problem for the Dems. Biden would be off of the short list. But who would be on the list? Buttigieg, O’Rourke, de Blasio, and Castro either have too little experience on the national level or have alienated too many people. Unlikely to be one of the present or ex-governors, senators, or House members, all of whom have poor name recognition, and bring little to the table. Tom Steyer or Andrew Yang? Don’t make me laugh! What about Bernie Sanders? The way to make sure that the Sanders’ backers vote, is to place him on the ticket, but Bernie is just too old, and his ideas are now hackneyed and no longer fresh. If Sen. Elizabeth Warren gets the nod, then Sen. Cory Booker is a possible V.P. candidate, whereas if Sen. Kamala Harris wins the nomination, Harris/ Booker would not be a viable potentially winning option (two people of color). At this point I see only one viable combination of a female presidential candidate and a male vice-presidential candidate. . . Warren/Booker. However, this would be a loser for the Dems, and a winner for Trump!
Now what about if Biden wins the Democratic nomination. Who would his V.P. be? Remember Biden would be the oldest person elected President, and you can be absolutely sure that Donald Trump will stress Biden’s age over and over and over again! However as I said before, I think that the Dems will need to have a female somewhere on the ticket. Voters would have to seriously consider if his V.P. could step up and do the job. I think that the top females, Warren and Harris, are too liberal for Biden. Ditto for Klobuchar and Gillebrand. Williamson, ha-ha! His best choice might be Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, but Biden/Gabbard would be a loser for the Dems, and a winner for Trump!

There is however one other potential female vice-presidential candidate who would fire up the base, and would even attract the votes of many independents . . . Obama!      No, not Barack, but Michelle! In 2008 and 2012, the winning ticket was Obama/Biden. Could the potential winner in 2020 be Biden/Obama?

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