Who Is To Judge ?

Osama bin Laden was a bad dude! He believed that women and children of enemies were legitimate targets for jihadists to kill, and thus the killing of more than 3,000 civilians on 9/11/01 was okay by him. 

Before 9/11, in 1998 he orchestrated simultaneous truck bomb explosions at U.S. embassies in Africa, killing hundreds. In Dec. 1998 the director of the C.I.A. Counter-terrorist Center reported to President Clinton that al-Qaeda was preparing for attacks in the U.S.A., including the training of personnel to hijack aircrafts. On Sept. 10, 2001 (the day before the 9/11 terrorist attacks), ex-president Clinton, while in Australia, stated that, “he could have killed bin Laden, but I would have had to kill innocents, so I did not do it.” On the following day, the World Trade Center attack occurred. Apparently the CIA had bin Laden in its sites in late 2000 before Clinton left office, and this is when then President Clinton demurred and said, “no!” (According to Dark Side author, Jane Meyer, Clinton was haunted by a swing set in the area, which suggested that children lived nearby. In 2012, 60 Minutes reported that President Clinton had many chances to kill bin Laden, but because of the risk of civilian casualties, he did nothing.) The question will always remain, “If President Clinton had killed bin Laden when he had the chance, would he have saved the over 3,000 innocents killed on 9/11?” History will be the judge.

Qassem Soleimani was a bad dude. He was the head of the Revolutionary Guard and the Quds Force. He had been described by an ex-CIA operative “as the single most powerful operative in the Middle East today.” Within the week prior to his demise an American had been killed in Iraq and the U.S. embassy in Baghdad attacked – undoubtedly with the knowledge of Soleimani, and more than likely both orchestrated by Soleimani. 

It has been said that Soleimani has been responsible for hundreds of American deaths. (It has been rumored that President Obama kept a list of all the hundreds of American military that had been maimed or killed because of Soleimani.) Moreover, it has been said that Soleimani had future attacks against the U.S. planned. The attacking of an embassy is tantamount to declaring war, and President Trump finally acted and ordered him killed. He was killed with a drone strike last week. As best I can tell there were no civilian casualties. Did the action of President Trump save American lives? History will be the judge.

Back in 2011, after bin Laden had been killed, Sen. Coons (D,Del) sponsored S. Res. 159 honoring those who work over many years culminated in bin Laden’s death. This resolution passed 100-0. Word has it that Sen Cruz (R, Tx) is planning a something similar concerning the death of Soleimani. It will certainly be interesting to see if the Democrats in the Senate do as the Republicans did for bin Laden’s death in 2011. Will they cheer the death of another terrorist leader, or will they demur even though there has not been any reports of swing sets in the area.

Here the American people will be the judge.

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