Who Cares ?

When President Trump got “defeated,” I thought that perhaps I would have nothing to write about. How wrong I was. In fact since then I have i have doubled my writing frequency from about three/four per week to six/seven per week. With Sleepy Joe, Laughing Kamala, and the insipid wokeness that has invaded just about all aspects of American life, I now have a “waiting to be published” list of already written articles … and according to an ‘unbiased’ opinion … these are good interesting articles that are just wishin’ and a hopin’ to get picked next.

Ergo, today after reading a bunch of potential stuff to opine about, I decided that quality was more important than quantity, and so the following will be placed in their own circular round file, aptly labeled “who cares.”

-The USA Woman’s soccer team lost in Tokyo, and finally limped in with a bronze.  I was not sad.. When you have the starters disrespecting the flag, and three of the subs giving the flag it’s due respect, it was clear to me that the coach had lost control. The tea was obviously divide and the Purple Haze was in charge. They got what they deserved. Who cares?

-New York A.G. said that “Gov. Andrew Cuomo violated federal and state law by sexually harassing multiple women and threatening retaliation against a former employee who made a public complaint about his behavior.” All of these ‘he said, she said’ stories are always just going to remain just that. Probably guilty, but who cares? Has anyone but me noticed that all the similar Sleepy Joe stories have ”vanished” from the face of the MSM?

-New Mexico House Majority Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton, a Democrat, announced her resignation from her office over a criminal investigation into allegations of bribery and money laundering. At first it was a picture of a slightly thinner Stacey Abrams, but no, … it was Sheryl Williams Stapleton. Just another woman with a triple last name from New … where? Oh yeah, New Mexico! Probably guilty, but who cares?

-Both Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago, and Muriel Bowser, mayor of D.C apparently thought that it was okay to break their own mask and social gathering mandates, and then deny it, despite pictures to the contrary. Are all of these big city Democrats the same, or is it only those who are Stacey-esque? Again, who cares?

-According to a new announcement, even as Biden talks another nationwide lockdown, former President Obama is planning a big birthday bash for himself with 700 of his closest friends, which he apparently cut back to 425 because of Covid. Four hundred twenty five of his “closest” friends … and the libs say that Trump has an ego problem! BTW, The former president is hosting the party at his $12 million mansion in Martha’s Vineyard. Who will calculate the excess global warming that will be caused by all of the private jets flown to this shindig? To me this is just another example of hypocritical politicians doing as they please. Who cares?


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