Whiplash !

It’s almost like the CDC is singing the hokey-pokey:

“You put your right foot in,

You put your right foot out,

You put your right foot in,

And you shake it all about.”

In other words, “do this,” “do the opposite,” “do the opposite again” … this approach can only lead to confusion and worse, a total lack of credibility in the speaker.

To state it another way: If you were on a ship and the captain said, hard to port,’ and then next said, “hard to starboard,” you would have a pretty good idea that he did not really know what he was doing.

And this appears to be the situation with the CDC, and I, along with millions of Americans, are getting whiplash.

From the Washington Examiner on 7/28/21 (added emphasis is mine):

People who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 yet still get infected with the delta strain could transmit the infection to unvaccinated people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky said on 7/27 in justifying renewed recommendations for mask-wearing.

Walensky has said in the past that people who are vaccinated are largely protected from severe illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19, but the rapid spread of the delta variant in regions of the U.S. with low vaccination rates, particularly in the South, has changed the agency’s thinking. Walensky on 7/27 also said there is new evidence that people infected with the delta variant may be contagious even if they’re fully vaccinated.

“In rare occasions, some vaccinated people infected with the delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others,” she told reporters on Tuesday.

Previous recommendations from the agency were based on COVID-19 monitoring data that indicated vaccinated people rarely transmit the virus to others.

She added that while fully vaccinated people can transmit the virus, those instances are rare.

[I have added the emphasis to remind everyone that when these words are used a lot in a statement, to me it means that the speaker doesn’t really know, but rather prefers to couch what they are saying in a veil of vagueness.]

Any respect that the CDC once had, continues to deteriorate with the tap-dancing of Fauci and now Walensky. I’m sorry, but other than with the hokey-pokey, putting your right foot in and then putting your right foot out, does not inspire any confidence by the hoi poloi. However, it does produce whiplash.

And finally from the New York Times:

Clear messaging is one of the most powerful tools
that public health officials have, but only when they use it.
And the C.D.C. and the Biden administration
did not do so yesterday. They failed to convey
whether they wanted the entire country to begin
changing its behavior — or whether they were
focusing on only some regions, which happen to be
the very places that require special attention to

Basically, even the NYT has whiplash!”

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