When Will It End ?

I doubt that many of you will remember the song from 1959, The Big Hurt.

It was sung by Toni Fisher, and it was the lyrics of this song that reminded me of what is happening these days.

It starts out:

“Now it begins, now that you’ve gone”

And the lyrics of the third verse are:

“Oh, each time you go

I try to pretend

It’s over at last

This time the big hurt will end”

Okay, okay … how could this outdated song possibly be of any relevance in today’s world? Simple actually. Listen to the lyrics. The ‘big hurt’ is referring to the Covid vaccinations, and what is gone are the individual freedoms that we use to have in this country. We used to have the freedom to decide what is best for us, but how that has changed here recently with Biden’s regal mandates. So and so will have to get the big hurt (vaccines) or more of their freedoms will be taken away. They will not be able to work. They will not be able to go into a restaurant, or certain sporting events … when will the big hurt end?

It seems that every time some freedom is taken away, most of us try to pretend that it’s over at last … but not so fast. Once the big hurt (the vaccine) is forced upon many of us, and we naïvely think that the usurpation of our freedoms is over, then comes the boosters. Because it is becoming increasingly obvious that beneficial effects of the vaccinations are waning over time, will certain companies as well as our military be requiring boosters over and above the initial vaccines? For any of you that think that this conjecture is fantasy, look at the NBA.

The NBA and NBPA are now recommending that all players, coaches, front office and personnel who are in Tier 1 should receive the booster shot if they received the J&J vaccine at least two months ago or Pfizer/Moderna vaccine at least six months ago.

So with getting the booster shots being the next thing to challenge individual freedoms, some might say, “this time the big hurt will end”  (there will be no more intrusions on our freedoms after the booster) … Unlikely!



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