What’s the Big Deal ?

Are any of you non-medical readers aware of the Zelenko Protocol? Are any of you that are/were involved in medicine familiar with the Zelenko Protocol? When my next book, The Keneally Chronicles, comes out, you can read how the Zelenko Protocol saved many lives in a small fictitious college town in the American Southwest.

Drumroll please: The Zelenko Protocol is a triple therapy that is purportedly  very helpful in treating patients in the early stages of their Covid infection. 

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko describes himself as “just a simple country doctor” from Kiryas Joel, a small village of 35,000 north of NYC. Since early March, his clinic had treated people with coronavirus-like symptoms, and he had developed an experimental treatment consisting of an antimalarial medication called hydroxychloroquine, the antibiotic azithromycin and zinc sulfate.

After testing this three-drug cocktail on hundreds of patients, some of whom had only mild or moderate symptoms when they arrived, Dr. Zelenko claimed that 100 percent of them had survived the virus with no hospitalizations and no need for a ventilator.

“I’m seeing tremendous positive results,” he said in a March 21 video, which was addressed to President Trump and eventually posted to YouTube and Facebook.

Okay, so what’s the big deal? 

An county family doctor claimed wonderful results in treating a few hundred patients with his own made-up triple therapy. It was not a “randomized controlled trial,” that the American guru of Covid had recommended. It was just a non-randomized treatment that Dr. Zelenko used in his office on his own patients. (Yes, this middle-aged physician, who has had cancer himself, does actually see patients, as opposed to the American guru who does not.) His was not a scientific study. It was never meant to be a scientific study. Dr. Zelenko was merely reporting his own anecdotal experience.

Okay, so what’s the big deal ?

Well to me, the big deal was the over-the-top reaction to the Zelenko Protocol.

Both Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine soon published studies that trashed the benefit of the Zelenko Protocol. Both of these prestigious medical journals later retracted these stories, as the data was bogus. What was the rush to publish these studies? While the retractions went virtually unnoticed, the harm to the Zelenko Protocol had been done.

Governors of some states dictated that pharmacists in their states should not fill prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). To me that is a BIG DEAL! On August 17, 2020 the American Spectator published a long article by George Parry, entitled “Questions for Dr. Fauci,” which to the best of my knowledge have never been answered. This article expressed opinions by a group of pro-HCQ physicians, whose videos had been taken down by Facebook and Google! Why the over-the-top reaction to a differing opinion?

The anti-HCQ mob then next published articles saying how dangerous HCQ was, albeit at some absurd dose. This despite its use for 60 years in the treatment of malaria, and its use for decades in treating rheumatoid arthritis and lupus . . . ? All of the sudden this drug was now unsafe!?  (What’s the Big Deal? . . .  Something is rotten in Denmark!)

I then looked at the Covid stats on “worldometers.” I wanted to compare the incidences and the deaths rates/ million in African nations and in the US. Logic would dictate that the death rate/million population would be less where the medical care was better. NOT THE CASE!

Also one would expect that the incidence of Covid/million population would be less in that country with better hygiene, lockdowns, and masks. NOT THE CASE . . . in fact, NOT CLOSE!

The four African nations that I chose atrandom, . . . Nigeria(N),Kenya(K),Zambia(Z), and Senegal(S), had dramatically less of an incidence of Covid/million population [N=271, K=666, Z=733, S=849] than did the US [20,000].

These African nations also had dramatically less Covid deaths/million population. [N=5, K=11, Z=17, S=18] compared to the US [598].

Is it possible that these unbelievable and certainly not anticipated stats could reflect the fact that many many people in Africa take HCQ for malaria and malaria prophylaxis?

I have not heard Dr. Fauci mention this African dichotomy. 

Come-on, Dr. Fauci, “What’s the big deal?”

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