What’s Best? . . . Step Up!

With all the falderal about the money for the border wall, I do not believe that I have heard any comments about what’s best for the migrants who are making the onerous journey north from Honduras. Have Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, or any of the uber Democratic liberals in Congress ever been to Honduras? I doubt it, and I also would bet that only a few could find Honduras on a map. I would be astonished if any of them can spell or pronounce the name of Honduras’ capital city, and would be amazed if any had flown into San Pedro Sula or into the capital, Tegucigalpa – the two largest cities in Honduras. Furthermore, I am close to 100% certain that none of the know-it-all politicians have ventured into the back country hinterlands of Honduras, where the poorest of the poor actually live. How can they be so certain that the gospel that they are preaching is indeed what’s best for the Honduran congregation? The answer is quite simple   . . . they don’t know what’s best for them, and furthermore they do not care! It’s all about politics and cozying up to their base, most of which also know zero about Honduras!

Likewise, how many of those politicians, who like to hear themselves talk on T.V., have read Enrique’s Journey? It is a true story about a teenager who makes the dangerous trip from Tegucigalpa to the U.S., so that he can be reunited with his mother who is working for a well to do family in the Los Angeles area and sending most of her earnings back to her family in Honduras. For those of you who are not planning on reading Enrique’s Journey, let’s just say that things do not work out well for the teenager, who has no job skills and cannot speak English. Does anyone think that these unaccompanied minors (teenagers) and the scores of young adult men who make the trek from Central America will have a happier ending than Enrique? 

Among these migrants are there those who would qualify as true refugees? Absolutely, and those applying for true refugee status should do so in their own country, either in the northeast, San Pedro, or in the southwest, Tegucigalpa. For them to make the long journey to the U.S.- Mexico border and to then apply for refugee status only after arriving is cruel and makes no sense.

Unfortunately, poverty is a worldwide problem. Is it a problem in Honduras? Absolutely! What is the solution for those individuals who are trapped in the grips of the poverty in their own country. In my opinion, there is no easy way out for the poor living in Honduras, or anyplace else for that matter. The only feasible answer would involve some sort of sponsorship program in the U.S – sponsorship of a poor family by individuals or church groups. In this sort of program the sponsor would assume responsibility for the housing and the economic survival of the recipient family for years and perhaps indefinitely. Those recipients would not have a path to citizenship, could not vote, and would not be eligible for any of the social programs in the U.S. (food stamps, Medicare, social security, etc.), as all of the responsibility would fall to the sponsors. I would be extremely interested to actually see if any liberal individuals or groups would step-up to the plate and actually help. Chuck, Nancy, you are both extremely affluent. Would each of you sponsor a family? Would you step-up ? If both of you would get into this game and put your money where your mouth is, think of all of good that would follow. You could hit a home run, and potentially make it to the World Series.

But back to reality. In my opinion, the best chance for the future is to invest in the education of the Honduran children. If these children can receive a good education, they have a chance to escape to a better life . . . mostly still within the borders of their own country. Call me an optimist or call me a realist, but I firmly believe that this is the best answer for a problem that otherwise has no end in sight.

FYI: I do know how to locate Honduras on a map, and furthermore can pronounce the name of its capital city! I have been to Honduras three times and am planning on going again this summer. BTW: If Chuck or Nancy wish to go with me in July, my response is “welcome aboard!”

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