“What If” On June 28?

Let’s play a little game of “what if.”
What if President Joe Biden has a poor showing in the first presidential debate on June 27 of this year? What if he demonstrates some elements of confusion during this debate? What if he gets flustered or angry?
What if it’s pretty clear during the debate that he should not be the Democratic candidate?
What are the Dems going to do on June 28? At this point they will have a little over seven weeks to decide what to do, as the Democrat’s Convention does not begin until August 19.
Personally, I suspect that this not so coincidental timing might have been the Dem’s plan all along … Be able to evaluate Biden’s debate performance well in advance of having to make a final decision on who was going to be their nominee. Why such an early date for the first debate? Why such a late starting date for their convention in Chicago?
What if Biden bombs the debate. What are the options then?

Option one is to do nothing … basically throw in the towel, and just continue with J.B as their candidate. If Biden tanks in the debate, I am pretty certain that they will not just give up!
Option two is to convince Joe Biden to withdraw his name from the nomination. If this were to occur, what would be the reason? They could never say that JB’s mental state is a real issue as they have been telling us for almost four years that Biden’s mental state is just fine. They could not say that they now realize that he is too old to be president, as they have been saying all along that his age is not a concern.
Realistically, they are not many options left. Of course, if he were to die sometime in the following month, then they would not have to invent an excuse. We all hope that this excuse would not have to be used. However, what if Biden developed an illness prior to the August 19th Democrat Convention? If this were to occur, it would be obvious that he was no longer fit to be President. He would not have to immediately step down, but rather “for the good of the country,” he would voluntarily withdraw his name as the Democratic nominee in this coming November’s election.
Who would replace him on the ballot in November? At this point a lot of Dems would not care, as anything would be better than J.B.
The other advantage for Biden is that he could pardon his son, Hunter, or commute his sentence. As long as he does either while he is still President, and no one would much care!
