What Does a Letter Stand For?

“LGBFJB” was a personalized license plate ordered by Nathan Kirk, a Blount County Alabama resident.

On Jan. 21, Kirk said he received his tag in the mail, put it on his F-150 truck, took a picture of it, and posted it on his Facebook account.

Then on Feb. 25 he received a letter telling him that the tag was “inappropriate and “objectionable.”

“That didn’t sound right to me,” he said of the letter. “I thought somebody had seen it and then reported it, but that turned out not to be the case.”

He said he received a telephone call “a few days” after receiving the letter and told him the “exact reason” why they found Kirk’s tag to be “objectionable.”

“They told me they have ‘reviewers from the review department’—that’s the exact terminology they used,” he said. “The reviewer said they thought the “F” meant the explicative word.”

In my interpretation, it doesn’t stand for that,” he said. “I can’t help what they make it stand for, but regardless, it’s up to your own interpretation.”

Kirk said he issued a challenge to the department by telling them he would surrender his tag if they “revoked every single license plate in the state of Alabama that has the letter ‘F’ in it.”

“They said they’re not going to do that,” he laughed. “Then I said you’re probably not going to get mine either.”

In the end the state reviewer caved. Kirk said that his F doesn’t stand for the notorious F-word – it stands for the word “forget.”

Kirk’s advice to anyone who is getting “bullied” by government officials is to “not lay down.”


134 Replies to “What Does a Letter Stand For?”

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