We vs. They

The capitulation of Major League Baseball to “wokeness” is apparently just the beginning. Sycophants Delta and Coca-Cola quickly chimed in almost before they had a chance to read the Georgia voting bill that caused the stir. But come on, why read the actual bill – as the President also quickly chirped in his two-cents worth before he read it. He earned four Pinocchios from the Washington Post, but has not clarified his “mis-statement (lie) as of today. Thus far I have not seen the Pinocchio-score for either Delta or Coke, but to other big businesses the truthfulness of what is actually in that Georgia bill doesn’t really matter, as over 100 executives of major corporations held an online meeting on 4/10/21. . It seems as if they plan ways of thwarting election integrity laws being considered in many states.

The Washington Post called the meeting an “aggressive dialing up of corporate America’s stand” against election integrity laws like Georgia’s, and “a sign that their opposition to the laws didn’t end with the fight against the Georgia legislation passed in March.”

“Executives from major airlines, retailers and manufacturers” and “at least one NFL owner” were present for the strategy call, according to the Washington Post. They (the high-power corporate leaders) discussed such tactics as “halting donations” to backers of the bills, and “delaying investments in states” that pass them — as some corporations have already done in Georgia.”

Of course the response to that meeting was predictable with comments running something like this:

“If anyone knows the list of the 100 corps, please send it along so we can start boycotting them – and get the list out to everyone so they can do the same – we need to stop all of this – they think they can rule us all – . . .we need to show them we don’t need them.”

Commendable, but not practical, as who can remember the names of the 100 companies, even if we were able to find out all of their names. I would instead recommend a more focused approach. For instance at this point my Delta credit card has been cut into pieces and I will be drinking Pepsi instead of Coke. Focused . . . and thus done. 

With this as a template, I would suggest that to start, we designate five of the hundred and focus our boycotts on these five. I think we would have a much better chance of getting their attention by focusing on a few. After a week I would then suggest that out of the 100 in attendance at the meeting, that we add one additional company, and that we continue to add one per week. 

When I read about what these 100 were contemplating, I got the feeling that they were going to take aim at those certain states that were in the process of examining their election laws. Therefore as we boycott more companies, we need to avoid having those states in our sights.

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