Vindictive by Nature ?

I just read the results of a recent Rasmussen Poll, and was shocked when I read about some of the drastic measures that some people want to take concerning the unvaccinated. I thought, “What totalitarian country am I living in?”

I am perplexed as whether the mindset of some of those who would back  these drastic measures has been there all along, or if these totalitarian opinions were somehow related to Covid. When I say ‘related to Covid,’ I do not mean caused directly by the virus, but rather caused by the over-the-top panic porn that Covid has indirectly caused.

To start, let’s go over some of the findings in this poll of 1016 Likely Voters taken on 1/5/22:

Biden’s vaccine mandates on large corporations – 48% for, and 48% against.

Dr. Fauci – favorable view = 45%; unfavorable view = 48%.

A monetary fine for Americans who choose not to get the vaccine? Democrats -55% support; Republicans -19% support; unaffiliated -25% support.

Quarantine unvaccinated to their homes at all times except for emergencies? Democrats -59% approve; Republicans – 21% approve; unaffiliated -29% approve.

Putting unvaccinated in designated facilities? Democrats – 45% approval;  Republicans – 78% strongly disapprove; unaffiliated – 64% strongly disapprove.

Temporarily removing children from the custody of unvaccinated parents! 

Democrats – 29% support! Republicans – 7% support; unaffiliated -11% support.

I understand the close to 50/50 split between the vaccine mandates and Fauci, as the country is split close to 50/50 politically. Interestingly, for the most part the unaffiliated side up with the Republicans. Hoeever, what I am flabbergasted by and do not understand is the vindictiveness of the Democrats. 

President Biden’s strongest supporters are most likely to endorse the harshest punishments against those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. Among voters who have a Very Favorable impression of Biden, 51% are in favor of government putting the unvaccinated in “designated facilities,” and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics. By contrast, among voters who have a Very Unfavorable view of Biden, 95% are against “designated facilities” for the unvaccinated and 93% are against criminal punishment for vaccine critics.

Have the Democrats always been this vindictive? Is this a reflection of the vindictive personality of their leader, Joe Biden, or are Democrats vindictive by nature? I have my opinion on their “my way or the highway” mentality … what’s yours?


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