Trump’s Good Things 1-5

The following list is from Wayne Grudem, professor of Theology and Biblical studies.

As with other long lists, this list of 25 good things that President Trump has done for America will be in increments. Please forward this list to your email mailing list. ( the various numbers in the text are the specific references, and can be ignored.)

1. Judges: Trump has appointed two Supreme Court justices, 53 federal appellate judges1, and 143 District Court judges2 (as well as two judges for the Court of International Trade3) who have been confirmed by the Senate so far. In addition, 64 more have been appointed and are awaiting Senate confirmation4. All of them are committed to interpreting the Constitution and laws according to the original meaning of the words, rather than according to what a modern liberal judge thinks the law should have said.

Trump’s two Supreme Court appointments have already been responsible for highly significant cases that increase religious freedom, such as the decisions (1) to allow state aid that is given to non-religious schools to be given also to religious schools (Montana decision)5, (2) to protect the right of religious schools to hire and fire employees based on the schools religious convictions6, and (3) to allow religious groups to be exempt from government regulations that would otherwise cause them to violate their consciences in matters of birth control (and, by implication, probably in matters of abortion and same-sex marriage, but that has not yet been tested)7.

2. Historic tax cuts and deregulation: after eight years of high unemployment and meager growth under President Obama’s administration, the Trump tax cuts of 2017 and the relentless progress of canceling excessive government regulation of business have given a tremendous boost to the American economy. Unemployment (before the coronavirus crisis) was at the lowest point in 50 years8, and unemployment among African-American and Hispanic workers was the lowest it has ever been in history.9

On election day, 2016 (11-8-16), the Dow Jones industrial average closed at 18,332.74.

Today (7-21-20 at 2:33 p.m.) it stands at 26,840.40, which is an increase of 46% in 3 ½ years, even including several months of the coronavirus epidemics. This is remarkable.

These changes affect people’s everyday lives. Tens of thousands of people who were unemployed now have the dignity of steady employment. Millions of retirees whose savings were invested in the stock market (including my wife and me) are once again seeing good returns on their savings.

3. A stronger US military: Reversing the massive budget cuts to the military under the Obama administration, President Trump has increased military spending by nearly $150 billion per year from $605 billion in 2016 to $750 billion, steadily rebuilding US military readiness10.

4. Restricting abortion: numerous executive orders have increasingly restricted government funding for abortions (such as the reinstatement of the Mexico City policy)11. On February 22, 2019, the Trump administration announced that it would not allow organizations that provide referrals for abortions to receive federal family-planning money, which implies a cut in funding for Planned Parenthood (the nation’s largest abortion provider) unless they perform abortions in a separate facility and not refer patients to it12. And on May 2, 2019, the Trump administration’s Department Of Health And Human Services issued a new rule protecting healthcare workers who decline on the basis of conscience or religious conviction to participate in procedures such as abortion or assisted suicide13. Trump was the first president ever to personally attend the pro-life March for Life in Washington DC on January 24, 202014.

5. School choice: President Trump appointed Betsy DeVos, one of America’s leading advocates for greater school choice, to be Secretary of Education, resulting in rising support for charter schools, taxpayer-funded vouchers, and tax credits for private-school vouchers, programs aimed at expanding options for parents looking beyond traditional public schools as she brings attention to them. 15

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