Truckers … Cluckers

Up to this point I have not written anything about the Canadian truckers and their “march” across Canada and their present encampment in the Canadian capital of Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates. For a while I considered praising them in a Sunday essay, but today I read something written by a Canadian, Kennedy Hall, that was just too good to pass up. Too good to pass up because it got me thinking that Canada is like California, Ottawa is like Sacramento, and Justin Trudeau is like Gavin Newsom. (When you read the following excerpts from Hall’s piece, just substitute Newsom for Trudeau, etcetera.)

Hall starts, 

“In our day, and in my country of Canada, the virtue of patriotism seems to be forged in a furnace of hope and despair. It is like a war of attrition between the two sides of the human heart—one telling you to flee or give up and the other telling you to stay and fight.”

Hall then goes on to describe the courageous and brave men and women who were there in the beginning of Canada. “This land was formed by missionaries, explorers, and some of the most industrious men who have ever lived.”

“However, this great people has largely been lost and replaced by acollection of effeminate and soft lemmings who are addicted to welfare checks and creature comforts. Gone are the days when the average Canadian would expect to actually suffer through the elements—save for that brief moment when they roll down their frosted windows to order a Double Double coffee.

“Justin Trudeau is the archetype of what an effeminate man is, and he is the perfect representation of what has happened to the grit and manfully cultivated virtue that was once common in this nation. But it is not all gone. Our nation has been beaten, our nation has been abused, and many have forgotten how to fight. But out of nowhere have come the most unlikely of heroes who are set to stare down Trudeau and his bastardly henchmen in Ottawa.” … the truckers!

“Justin and his ministers said ‘take the jab, truckers, even if you don’t want it,’ and the response by the Canadian people has been predominately pro-truckers. One repeating sign in particular along the truckers route to Ottawa and in Ottawa itself seems to sum up the feelings of a lot of the Canadian people …”Truck Trudeau.”

Hall continues, “I have never seen such unity between so many Canadians. Videos of families and communities preparing food for the drivers and showing up at truck stops nationwide are going viral. Police officers are coming out in support, and even feckless conservative politicians have finally grown a spine and stood up like real boys and girls, trumpeting the cause of the Freedom Convoy.”

I just loved Hall’s characterization of Trudeau, and when I read it, I immediately had a picture of Gavin Newsom in my mind. However then similarities between Canada and California come to an abrupt end.

Whereas Canada has its truckers, and can be proud of them, mostly in California we have “cluckers.” For those not up with the term popularized by one of my daughters, “cluckers” are an inane group of n’er-do-wells who show no initiative or thought, but merely go with the flow. [For those who want to get a better understanding of what a “clucker” is, read my latest book entitled “Charles Hyde and the #7.”]


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