+/- Thyroid Function

This afternoon I went to the gym and parked myself in front of the T.V. that has Fox News. Now granted what I am going to say and comment on is without sound. I can clearly see the screen and am able to read about 80% of what is typed and runs across the screen, but I cannot hear anything.

For the first twenty-five minutes a Trump rally from somewhere in Pennsylvania. There was the a short pause for an interview of a few minutes, followed by a Biden rally somewhere just outside of Detroit in Michigan.

For those of you not aware, I was an internist type of physician in my first career. One of the things that an internist sees not infrequently are thyroid problems, from an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) to an under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism). 

Metaphorically speaking, the Trump rally was a personification of hyperthyroidism . . . very active, much enthusiasm with loud cheering, and the waving of signs. Likewise, the speaker was quite active with his arm movements and his facial expression . . . President Trump and his audience seem to feed on each other, as his speech was interrupted many times with the cheering of the thousands of people in attendance.

Then after a relatively short pause there was a live Biden rally on the screen. The first clue that this was going to be different was that Joe Biden was standing on a flat surface, perhaps in a parking lot. It was not necessary for him to be elevated up on a speaker’s platform as it appeared that there were perhaps only a few hundred in attendance and none of them were having any difficulty seeing the masked speaker. Biden, despite the mask was apparently having no difficulty projecting his voice over the fifty or so feet, so that the entire “throng” could hear him. 

Now here is where the thyroid analogy comes in. The Biden sopporters were the epitome of hypo-thyroidism . . . there was no energy, and they appeared almost sullen even though it was difficult to see any facial expression as everyone was wearing a mask, Everyone including Sleepy Joe was at least six feet from anyone, and there was no obvious crowd-speaker interactive enthusiasm that I could see. However, the most obvious symptom of hypo-thyroidism the sparse crowd had was . . . constipation . . . while Sleepy Joe not only looked constipated, but also was F.O.S.!

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