They Try to Muddy the Water

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal on 3/26/18 that immediately reminded me of Adam Schiff (D, Ca). Actually the article never once mentioned Schiff’s name or his “investigation” into his fantasized Trump-Russia collusion. The article that I am referring to was titled “Russia Points Fingers in Poisoning’s Wake.” It described the Russian response whenever it is accused of just about anything. They try to muddy the waters and drown out the facts. Valero Solovei, a political-science professor in Moscow, said, “If a lot of irrelevant information appears, people lose track of what is relevant, become disoriented, and don’t understand what is going on.”

Why, you ask, did this remind me of Adam Schiff?
To me it seemed that Professor Solovei could easily have been referring to Adam Schiff’s modi’s operandi and his Trump-Russia collusion fantasy, as Dem.Rep. Schiff is a master of muddying the waters. The difference with Schiff is that he has no facts, merely his own innuendo. He throws out a lot of irrelevant information hoping that people become disoriented and lose track of what is relevant.

Enough of Adam Schiff!
The news of that same day was President Trump’s expulsion from the U.S. of 60 Russian diplomats in response to the Russian involvement in the poisoning in England
of Sergei Skripal, a Russian double agent, and his daughter .
To be fair, on 3/36 I did listen to the news on multiple channels including MSNBC, but “Surprise, Surprise,” I did not hear Mr. Schiff comment on his Trump-Russia collusion story on any of them!

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