The New Neville

Last night I had a bizarre and unusual dream … or perhaps I should call it a nightmare. It was about WWIII. Yes you read that right. WWIII. No, my nightmare hadn’t yet gone into details about who won and how, but common sense could certainly predict the final outcome was not going to be good for either side.

In the morning I asked myself, “Why did I now dream about WWIII?” The answer became intuitively obvious once I thought about it. Joe Biden … Joe Biden … and of course Joe Biden, who will figuratively turn out to be the Neville Chamberlain of the twenty-first century. With his botching of the Afghanistan withdrawal, he has certainly chiseled his place in history. Because of his obvious incompetence in Afghanistan, the enemies of the US will be rightfully emboldened. This will lead to nothing but trouble as the military “leaders” that J.B. has installed can only encourage those enemies who had been too timid to challenge the US in the past.

Also think about where Afghanistan geographically lies … right next to Pakistan which is adjacent to Iran. Pakistan has nuclear weapons and, if J.B. has his way, Iran will soon follow suit. In this nightmare, I envisioned the following countries on each side.

The bad guys: China, Russia, North Korea, Pakistan, and Iran including all of its lap-dogs in the Mideast.

The good guys: USA, India, Taiwan, and Israel.

Notable neutrals included the European Union (who JB appreciably pissed off with his clandestine secret Afghan exit), Japan, and South Korea,(both too close geographically to China and Russia), Canada (especially with Justin Trudeau at the helm), and Australia/New Zealand (still paralyzed by its Covid lockdown).

Who won? 

As is often the case with dreams, the conclusion was fuzzy. All I can say for sure, is that there must have been a happy ending as J.B. and his incompetent appointees were no longer on the scene.

What happened? … Let your mind wander.


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