The Limbo

When one thinks of Chuck Schumer, does the limbo come to mind?  It does to me!  I am hearing a lot mumbling, some “WTF-ing!” But bear with me.
When his obit is eventually written, what will be its predominant theme? What will he be remembered for? What adjectives will be used to describe his “illustrious” career?Will he be remembered as a lawyer? After all he did go to law school. However, despite the fact that he graduated from Harvard Law School in 1974, he has never practiced law. So no, he will not be remembered as a lawyer.

Will he be remembered as being obstreperous? (Yes, I had to look up this word this word also!) To rephrase the question . . . will he be remembered as noisy, clamorous and boisterous? . . .Yes, probably!
Will he be know as a foreign policy guru? Unlikely, as never conducted any foreign policy. He has never sat across a negotiating table, other than one with other politicians.
Will he be known as a garrulous partisan who exaggerates and blows things out of proportion? Ummm, yes, he does fit this description. For instance, last year he referred to the handling of illegal immigrants and their children as “the worst thing I can have ever seen in America.” Perhaps Chuckie has never heard of the Japanese internment during WWII, or worse yet slavery, with hundreds of thousands of human beings being denied liberty, forced to work long hours, live in miserable conditions – and being beaten or worse. Schumer should be reminded of the thousands of families that were separated in the slave markets and the women raped without legal recourse. When I think of Chuckie, I immediately picture him standing next to Nancy Pelosi,  giving the world his impression of a docile lapdog.
All that notwithstanding, his actions lately have firmly implanted “limbo” in my mind whenever Chuckie’s name is mentioned. (Although I do not know him personally, I doubt that he will be remembered as a dancer! I can’t even imagine him trying to squeeze under the limbo pole.) 
So why “limbo?”  Chuckie’s threatening of Supreme Court Justices earlier this week is beyond the pale, and will forever remind me of the chorus of “Limbo Rock” by Chubby Checker . . . “How low can you go?”

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