“The Happening”

The following is from The Supremes 1978 song, The Happening:

“One day you’re up, then you turn around

You find your world is tumbling down

It happened to me, and it can happen to you”

I bring this salient chorus up because of what is happening in The House and Senate with the upcoming 3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, and am suggesting that the Dems pay attention to some of the lyrics of The Happening.

What is happening in Europe today could be a preview of what could happen in the US, if the progressive climate czars have their way. As perhaps many of you already know, many parts of Europe have succumbed to the “going green is best for everybody” nonsense, and, of course, what is happening in Europe is entirely predictable.

From the Wall Street Journal:

“Energy prices are soaring in Europe. … Blame anti-carbon policies of the kind that the Biden Administration wants to impose in the U.S. (emphasis in the following is mine)

Electricity prices in the U.K. this week jumped to a record £354 ($490) per megawatt hour, a 700% increase from the 2010 to 2020 average. Germany’s electricity benchmark has doubled this year. Last month’s 12.3% increasewas the largest since 1974 and contributed to the highest inflation reading since 1993. Other economies are experiencing similar spikes.

“Europe’s anti-carbon policies have created a fossil-fuel shortage. Governments have heavily subsidized renewables like wind and solar, and shut down coal plants to meet their commitments under the Paris climate accord. But wind power this summer has lagged, so countries are scrambling to import more fossil fuels to power their grids.

“European natural-gas spot prices have increased five-fold in the last year. Some energy providers are burning cheaper coal, but its prices have tripled.”

Hmmm! Dramatic rises in the costs of energy. Now needing to import more fossil fuels, because wind power is notreliable. Who would have thunk it?! Who could have predicted that this would happen? … Actually anyone with a modicum of common sense could have foreseen what is now happening in Europe.

As an honest European might today might say the same as The Supremes had sung:

“It happened to me, and it can happen to you”

The WSJ op-ed continues:

“Americans are already feeling the pain of rising energy prices. Electricity and utility gas prices were up 5.2% and 21.1%, respectively, over the last 12 months in August. Higher energy costs are bleeding into inflation. Some analysts predict that gas prices could double this winter if U.S. production doesn’t increase and global demand remains high.

Europe is showing the folly of trying to purge CO2 from the economy. No matter how heavily subsidized,renewables can’t replace fossil fuels in a modern economy. Households and businesses get stuck with higher energy bills even as CO2 emissions increase. Europe’s problems are a warning to the U.S., if only Democrats would heed it.”

However to many Dems their infatuation with green energy is a love affair. Hopefully soon their “pie in the sky”  thought processes will evolve and like the Europeans they will pay attention to the other lyrics of  “The Happening!”

“I was sure, I felt secure

Until love took a detour

Yeah, riding high on top of the world

It happened, suddenly it just happened

I saw my dreams fall apart

When love walked away from my heart”

The Supremes continue with the lyrics of The Happening:

“Now I see life for what it is

It’s not all dreams, ooh, it’s not all bliss

It happened to me and it can happen to you”

Europe is being led out of their green dreamland …watch out US



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