The Greater Good

Dr. Anthony Fauci declared last week that people hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine should “give up” their individual freedoms “for the greater good of society.”

I have been wondering for a long time when Fauci’s true colors would bubble up to the surface … “for the greater good of society!” Hmmm, this almost sounds like a pitch for socialism as a transition to communism, which is defined as a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.

I have a few bones to pick here with Dr. Fauci when he talks about “the greater good of society,” because it seems that somehow he has made himself the single determiner of the greater good. Where was he when people were losing their jobs due to lockdowns? Weren’t those now unemployed a part of society? Where was he when suicides and drug overdoses hit new levels? Weren’t these individuals a part of society? Increasing spousal abuse … increasing alcoholism … not being able to go to church despite the fact that the church services were held outdoors. Doesn’t the esteemed Dr. Fauci consider these individuals to be part of society? Is he solely focused on only one aspect of this pandemic?

An another issue with the totalitarian-like Dr. Fauci … where is he on the topic of natural immunity? (The immunity one gets to a subsequent infection after having been infected with the same culprit.) The last I heard both he and Biden’s non-physician Secretary of Health and Human Services were mum on the critical issue of natural immunity. If those individuals who had SARS 1 back in 2003 still have evidence of immunity to SARS 1, doesn’t it stand to reason that being infected with SARS 2 would similarly give that individual natural immunity to SARS 2? … perhaps long standing and possibly even life long. Come on, Dr.F, give us some real and some useful info on natural immunity for the greater good !


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