The End … !

Granted, I am not a big fan of trite sayings, but for some, “the end justifies the means!” Let me be more specific – for some Democrats, “the end justifies the means!” Let me try to even be more specific – for a lot of Democrat politicians, “the end justifies the means!”
Again with the risk of being repetitive – for almost all of the Democrats in the U.S House of Representatives, “the end justifies the means!” How else could anyone justify all but five Democrats in the House voting against the SAVE Act.
From the Daily Signal:
The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act, would amend the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, known as the “motor voter law,” to require that states obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship from someone before he or she may register to vote.
Five Democrats voted for the legislation, but 198 Democrats voted against it.”

One might naively ask, “Why would anyone vote against having only American citizens vote in American elections?” Obviously, because to these Dems the end of having more illegal individuals vote for Democrats justifies the means.
Keep in mind that this question has been posed to the American citizens, who this support this common sense concept by 81% to 87%.
Hopefully, these “the end justifies the means” House Democrats will have to defend their position to the American people when they run for re-election this November.
A similar bill that came up for a vote in the Senate, and was defeated in the Democratic Senate. For those who are running for re-election a vote against what 81 – 87% of Americans think will be interesting and perhaps telling.
For those House Dems and those Senate Dems who voted against the SAVE Act, hopefully this will be the end for them!