The Devil In Disguise

(You’re the) Devil in Disguise
 was a hit song by Elvis Presley back in 1968.

I have always liked Elvis, and lately the lyrics of this song have reminded me of Joe Biden. Is he the “devil in disguise?”

The lyrics go like this:

You look like an angel 

Walk like an angel 

Talk like an angel 

But I got wise…

You’re the devil in disguise

Oh yes you are

The devil in disguise

You fooled me with your kisses

You cheated and you schemed

Heaven knows how you lied to me

You’re not the way you seemed

Why do these lyrics remind me of Joe Biden? Just listen closely to them :

There is little question that Mr. Biden fooled us and schemed us, and for sure he is not the way he seemed. He may have looked like an angel, but he certainly seems like the devil in disguise.

For the many years that I have penned this blog I have not once devoted one to a religious theme. I have not mentioned my religious beliefs in the hundreds of essays that I have written over the years. I have avoided religious themes because I realize that many of my readers are not only not Christian, but some are not religious at all. No problema, as different strokes, etc.

Now while it doesn’t matter to me what an individual believes or doesn’t believe, I do have some standards as to what the titular head of any particular organization says and believes. For instance, if a governor of a state says that those who live in his state should remain in strict lockdown, then he also should remain in strict lockdown. If he subsequently is seen cavorting with his cronies in the restaurant, “French Laundry,”. . . well, my friends, the polite term for that governor is, “a hypocrite.”

What about President Biden? Again from the song’s lyrics: “heaven knows how he lied.” Mr. Biden appears to be the devil in disguise, especially when he loudly proclaims that he is a Catholic, but in reality he is a big proponent of abortion. In fact, he is being considered by some as “the most aggressive antl-Catholic President in history.” 


Furthermore, while Mr. Biden loudly proclaims that he is a Catholic, from the other side of his mouth he spews the pro-choice, pro-abortion standard lines. In addition to being the devil in disguise, Joe Biden is also like that certain governor, a hypocrite.

Closer to home the nominal head of all Catholics in any area is the Bishop, and likewise that is the case in San Diego where I live. Just like a governor needs to set an example for those who live in his state, a Bishop should set an example in his diocese, otherwise, to my way of thinking, he is also a hypocrite. In January our Bishop came out with a long dissertation praising President Biden, and this was spread throughout the San Diego area. Since then I have questioned the Bishop by email multiple times, about his backing of this pro-abortion President. He has never responded to my concerns about President Biden’s pro-abortion policies. Certainly it is possible that the Bishop does not read his emails, but it is much more likely that he has chosen to ignore me, seemingly like the Catholic Church has chosen the ignore Biden’s pro-abortion policies. 

Like Father Jerry Pokorsky said, the institutional Catholic response to Biden is one of “disarray,” mingling, silence, flattery and now then a little opposition. [To read in detail what Father Pokorsky says and why, look at the following website. (]

Father Pokorsky further said the silence is “an anti-sacrament of cowardice and the spiritual treason of collaborating with the enemy.”

I agree 100% with that statement, and likewise I think that it applies to our very silent local Bishop.

The Our Father prayer says “deliver us from evil.” Abortion is one of the major evils of our time. It seems to me that we need someone in our diocese to speak up and deliver us from this evil. Will our Bishop remain sanctimoniously silent, or will he and the Catholic Church, in general, besmirch Joe Biden, the devil in disguise in Washington?

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