The Deep State

Stephen Miller, an advisor to President Trump was recently on SiriusXM radio 125, the Patriot Channel, to talk about the deep state. I have heard this term bantered about over the last few years, but although obviously something clandestine, I really did not understand exactly what the “deep state”was. A lot of what follows is taken directly from the remarks of Mr. Miller, as no way could I improve upon what he said. “The deep state is a collection of permanent bureaucrats enmeshed inside the federal government who can’t be fired or removed — at least historically, have not been able to be — because of misguided civil service laws. They believe they know better than you  and the voters how the country ought to be run. At this moment in time, the deep state has a knife aimed at the heart of American democracy, and that’s what you’re seeing playing across your TV screens and newspapers pages and online, with these so-called whistleblowers, who are, of course, in fact, angry hate-filled rage-driven bureaucrats determined to take down the President of the United States and illicitly and improperly using the Whistleblower Protection Act in order to effectuate their designs.”
As I now understand it, the deep state is comprised of non-elected government workers who not only disagree with the President, but who also feel that it is their “duty” to undermine the President. 
“The Constitution of the United States, Article II, states very clearly that, and this is a quote, ‘The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.’ What that means is that the whole executive power is vested in one democratically elected person: the president. Every other person in the federal government in the executive branch is an extension of his authority, is acting as an extension of his authority delegated to them. They have no independent authority, however these deep state bureaucrats don’t want to effectuate the President’s policies, and don’t want to carry out his agenda, so they try to do the opposite. They will leak and spin and lie about the contents of your meetings,” Miller said.“They’ll take it to the Washington Post and the New York Times and to MSNBC. They’ll share private documents, they’ll share private emails, they’ll share private correspondence, and then they’ll spin and fabricate and lie to create their desired narrative to try to steer policy in the direction they want to steer it in, and the most dangerous expression of this — of course, we’ve seen — has been in the intelligence community.”
Now I get it. This is the genesis of all of the “anonymous source,” leaking  information from private meetings to the press. But worse these deep state individuals have the power to selectively leak only what they feel will be detrimental to the President. And making matters even worse, like we are seeing with this Ukraine telephone call, the deep state now feels that they do not have to even be in the same room, and do not have to actually tell the truth! They can hide behind being a so-called whistleblower, and basically get their identity protected, which is just another way of being “an anonymous source.” Being called a whistleblower carries some suggestion that that person is doing some good by coming forward, and it is better in the eyes of the public than being called “a slime-ball member of the deep state,” although that is what they really are!
Mr. Miller had plenty more to say on the SiriusXM program, but for the purpose of explaining and defining what the deep state is, I think that what I have quoted above is more than enough to now understand the term , “the deep state.”

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