The CDC, Vitamin D, and Me

For a long time I have been talking about Vitamin D and it’s beneficial effect as far as Covid. If I had seen a well controlled double blind study to document my feelings about Vitamin D and Covid, I just do not recall.

However, I just read about a Vitamin D study that was started back in 2020.

From Epoch Health:

The peer-reviewed study, published in the Archives of Medical Research, enrolled 321 frontline health care workers from four hospitals in Mexico City, who all tested negative for COVID-19 at the start of the study.

“The results of our double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospective study demonstrate that vitamin D supplementation is effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in high risk, frontline healthcare personnel,” researchers said in their report.

“To our knowledge, this is the first controlled study evaluating the role of [Vitamin D] supplementation as a prophylactic measure to prevent SARS-Cov-2 infection and therefore has profound clinical and public health implications,” the researchers also noted.

A total of 94 people in the vitamin D group and 98 people in the placebo group completed follow-up in the study. Researchers found that the infection rate of COVID-19 in the vitamin D group was lower than in the placebo group, at 6.4 percent compared to 24.5 percent, respectively, with a p-value of less than 0.001. A p-value of less than 0.05 is normally considered statistically significant.

The authors concluded that supplementation with vitamin D in highly exposed individuals “decreases the susceptibility for SARS-CoV-2 infection,” and the preventive effect is “independent of vitamin D status.” They also said that medium doses of vitamin D (4,000 IU daily) “seems safe for short periods of supplementation.”

My question here is this: if a relatively very safe non-toxic (except at quite high doses) vitamin can prevent or even lessen the severity of Covid, why hasn’t the CDC or the eminent Dr. Fauci said as such? (Regardless of the growing evidence of the effectiveness of vitamin D, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) does not recommend it for COVID-19 because they claim there is not enough data.) ????

Researchers from Denmark knew in 2010 that vitamin D was essential for activating our immune system defenses, and without it, the immune system’s killer T-cells would not be able to react to and fight off serious diseases in the body.

Vitamin D deficiency affects over 1 billion people worldwide, including 42 percent of Americans, and those with a darker complexion having a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency: 82 percent of blacks and 69 percent of Latinos have inadequate levels.

Hmmm … wasn’t the mortality for Covid higher in the Black and Latino population? … Coincidence?

This study from Mexico City was done back in 2020, almost a year and a half ago. Why wasn’t a similar study done in the U.S. and why wasn’t this simple relatively non-toxic treatment advised for everyone? Hmmm!

After reading this, I know that you are asking about me and Vitamin D … yes, I take it regularly and have been taking Vitamin supplements for quite a while … 4000u/day.


139 Replies to “The CDC, Vitamin D, and Me”

  1. Российской федерации руководство затеяло высылать на войну против Украинской стороны также людей с ограниченными возможностями а также граждан пенсионного возраста. От всего этого в такой войне гибнет вдобавок ко всему намного больше их граждан.

  2. Уже намного более тысячи солдатов срочников отослали проливать свою кровь в Украинское государство. Однако российские обыкновенные обыватели продолжают смиренно глазеть, каким образом провожают на погибель их всех ребятню. Странные люди.

  3. Российских персон управление рф наказывает вплоть до 7 лет остроги только за то, что вообще все они вещают про погибель их бойцов в непорядочной войне относительно Украинской стороны. А русские граждане всё продолжают обходить молчанием и также сносить.

  4. Более половины российских солдат одной изо армейских частей теперь уже сроду совсем не сумеют возвратиться в квартиру, так как погибли в безумной войне насупротив Украины. А русские люди и далее не перестают со спокойной совестью глядеть, каким способом откомандировывают на погибель их всех детей незаконное российское правительство.

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