The Antithesis of George Washington

So just like millions of others I watched the entire recent presidential debate. Prior to watching it I had hoped that Joe Biden would do a belly-flop, but did not expect him to be flailing from the high diving board, and thus make a huge disastrous splash. Most of the diving judges gave him a score of a 1 or a 2, whereas the Main Stream Media judge said that because of a “cold,” he could not accurately comment on Joe’s performance.
Be that as it may, one thing did come out of Joe’s huge belly-flop. Because he lied at least twice during his debate debacle, it allowed us to review the past numerous lies that J.B. has told during his presidency. While I had forgotten some of Biden’s past mendacities, I just read a review of his whoppers in a piece written by Larry Elder and published on Townhall on 7/4/24.
From Townhall:
“As to Biden’s lies, they include, but are not limited to: how, why and where his son Beau contracted brain cancer; that Biden desegregated movie theaters and restaurants; that he finished in the top half of his law school class; that he got arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela during apartheid; was “raised in the black church”; played football for the University of Delaware; claimed the driver who accidentally struck and killed his first wife and daughter was drunk; intentionally misstating what Trump said about Charlottesville; that Trump said to drink/inject bleach; that Biden didn’t pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma; that Biden never discussed son Hunter’s business dealings; that a small kitchen fire “almost killed” his wife; that he was “shot at” in Iraq; that inflation was “9%” when he became president; the Border Patrol endorses him; the NAACP endorsed him in “all” of his elections; World War II’s Uncle Bosie was eaten by cannibals; that “no one” advised him the Afghan government would quickly collapse and the Taliban would return if he abruptly pulled out of Afghanistan; that Trump referred to World War I American vets who lost their lives as “suckers and losers”; that Trump praised Hitler; among others.”
While Donald Trump is indeed prone to exaggeration, Joe Biden is the primo-prevaricator … the antithesis of George Washington.
