Teresa Long

As some of you are aware, on Sundays, I often try to devote an entire blog to someone I feel all of us should know about. 

So who is Teresa Long? To start, Lieutenant Colonel Teresa Long, is a Brigade Surgeon in the 1st Airborne Brigade of the U.S. Army. Long is an MD and an Army Aerospace Medicine Specialist, and holds a Master’s in Public Health.

Okay so granted she is a well educated Army officer, but usually for someone to be highlighted in a Sunday piece, he/she typically would be someone who displays fortitude and/or is driven by principle.

From PJMedia:

“In May 2021, Long attended a senior preventative medicine leadership course where senior medical staff discussed the COVID-19 vaccines. Following the presentation, she reports asking the following question, “So, we skipped two years of phase two trials and three years of phase three trials? We only lost 12 active-duty soldiers to COVID-19. Yet, we are going to risk the health of the entire fighting force on a vaccine we only have two months of safety data on?”

The response she says she received is astonishing. Long reports she was told, ‘You’re damn right, Colonel. And you’re going to get every soldier you can to take the vaccine so I can get enough data points to determine if the vaccine is safe.’

“After the training session, a colleague of Long’s received the vaccine. Almost immediately, she suffered from high fevers, lost the range of motion in her arms, and was stricken with debilitating pain. Long reports reviewing information in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VARES) and being shocked at what she saw. She acknowledged VARES does not prove causation, but the signal was overwhelming. After just a few months, more deaths were reported following the COVID-19 vaccine than all other vaccines combined during any single year in the previous ten.

“After a visit to Fort Benning, Long says soldiers there reported threats and coercion to get vaccinated. As a medical provider, she correctly notes this behavior is not ethical, and forcing anyone to participate in taking a drug that is still investigational violates the Nuremberg Codes signed after World War II. 

“More recently, Long did a shift in the acute care clinic. She saw five patients. Two came in with chest pain within days to weeks after vaccination. Both were diagnosed with pericarditis and sent to be worked up for myocarditis. Another came in with neurological problems, including drowsiness and confusion. A pilot, the patient reported that he felt like he was drunk and the symptoms would not go away. Long ended up grounding three pilots due to what were, in her medical opinion, vaccine injuries. When she reported this to her command, superiors pulled her charts, canceled her remaining patients, and reassigned her to perform only regular flight physicals.”

(To me this sounds like, “Miss Long, how dare you speak out! Perhaps you’re are not aware that voicing your personal opinion is something that cannot be tolerated in the military. Perhaps reassigning you to do menial flight physicals will open your eyes, and reenforce to you what can and cannot be said.”)

Again from PJMedia:

“This summer, the CDC and FDA examined the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis in people aged 16-24. In a committee hearing at the FDA on booster shots, FDA official Doran Fink, discussing the frequency of myocarditis, said:

“If you look at the healthcare claims data, you see that there is evidence of some attributable risk at all age groups, although, the older you get, the higher the risk of complications from COVID that offset the risk of myocarditis,” he said. “So, when you look at the balances of risk versus benefit, what we really start to see is risk of myocarditis being higher [than COVID-19] in males under age 40.”

Continuing from PJMedia:

“Long reports the military vaccination program did not change despite these investigations and hearings, and there was no direction to communicate the potential side effects. This troubled her deeply, because providing information about potential side effects of a treatment or procedure is a fundamental principle of obtaining informed consent.

“Last week Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) held an expert panel on federal vaccine mandates, and LTC Long testified after invoking communications protection under the Military Whistleblowers Protection Act, Title 10, U.S.C. 1034. By speaking out, LTC Long is risking a career in the military that she embarked on at age 17.”

In summary, I think LTC. Teresa Long not only displays fortitude, but also is driven by principle. One might say that she is being loyal to her Hippocratic Oath. 

 My comment to LTC. Teresa Long … “You go, girl!”


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