
Listen to the following comments on the governor’s race in Georgia between Stacy Abrams (D) and Brian Kemp (R), and then think about what the speakers all have in common.

Cory Booker (D, NJ) on the governor’s election in Georgia, “the election is being stolen from Abrams.”
Hillary Clinton again on the same issue, “Abrams would have won if the election was fair.”
Sherrod Brown (D, Oh), “If Stacy Abrams doesn’t win in Georgia, they stole it.”
Now obviously they are all Democrats who thought that Oprah would wrap it up for Abrams. Oops! . . . surprise! . . . and each of them sees him/herself as a possible presidential candidate in 2020.
For those of you that do not know the background, I will do my best to summarize. To begin with Brian Kemp was the Secretary of State in Georgia before the election. There was a purge of the voter rolls. The “1.5 million purged” is the total number of voters that have been removed from the rolls since 2012. Many have been removed because they moved, committed felonies, died etc. A similar purge of the voter rolls in Ohio was upheld by the Supreme Court earlier this year.
The overwhelming majority of the rest were removed because of Georgia’s “Use it or lose it” law. This law was passed in 1997 by A Dem legislature and a Dem Governor in Georgia. Similar laws have been upheld by SCOTUS. It requires the rolls to be updated by removing voters that have not voted for some time and do not respond to contact from the state.
There was another controversy concerning voter applications. Here Kemp was invoking an “exact match” law that was passed in 2017. Brian Kemp stated that he was merely following the laws, whereas the Dems were proclaiming alleged voter suppression.
While I can understand Democrat allegations of voter suppression when the laws are followed, this is no real surprise. I am, however, surprised that I have not yet heard either Sen. Brown, Sen. Booker, or for that matter any Democrat state the obvious solution to this perceived problem.
Drum roll, please!
The solution to this perceived “voter suppression” is no surprise.
The solution is to adapt Mexico’s method of voter registration and voter identification. In Mexico everyone is responsible to get a government voter I.D. card. No matter where the individual lives, no matter the age, no matter the color of his/her skin each individual is required to present his/her laminated voter I.D. card in order to vote in any election in Mexico. (In addition there are substantial penalties for fraudulent use of the card.)
If the Dems were to begin a concentrated effort right now, by the 2020 election, all legal voters would be registered and all would possess a laminated valid photo I.D with a thumbprint.
The surprise here is that the Dems have not yet thought of this solution to “voter suppression.” Oops . . . on second thought, this is actually no surprise!

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