Stories Not In The MSM

I did not read about the following story in my local “newspaper.” (Not a fictional story as I watched the video.) I wonder why the MSM did not report on this story?

Teacher Laura Leanne tearfully tells the Loudon County School Board in Virginia “I quit. I quit your policies. I quit your training. And I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicizes agendas on our most vulnerable constituents: the children. I will find employment elsewhere. I encourage all parents and staff in this county to flood the private schools…” and at that moment, they apparently cut her microphone.

5th grade teacher Laura Leanne just resigned on the spot. She alleges that the school board forced her to sign a contract promising to snitch on other faculty who are caught voicing disagreements with their progressive policies.

Hmmm! A public school teacher who not only told her progressive “masters” to shove it, but who also put in a plug for private schools. I wonder how many more times a similar thing will happen? (N.B. It will not be written about in the Main Stream Media.)

From the Daily Wire:

An Atlanta public elementary school principal told a Catholic couple that their child would need to leave the district to avoid learning about LGBTQ+ issues at the age of five.

An Atlanta couple — who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retribution — obtained a copy of their child’s incoming teacher’s Amazon classroom wish list. The parents were startled by several of the books, many of which reference sexual orientation, transgenderism, and progressive ideology. 

The family opted to reach out to Morningside Elementary School principal Audrey Sofianos in hopes of switching their child to a classroom that would not present progressive topics to five-year-olds.

Sofianos said that if the Catholic parents wish to uphold their traditional values, switching classrooms will not quell their fears as the district promotes this agenda in every classroom.

As one might imagine, this story and any stories like this were not written about in my local MSM “newspaper.” 

It is stories like these that convince me that a turning point is on the horizon. How many more similar stories are out there? How many more teachers and how many more parents are finally beginning to understand what woke school principals and woke school boards are attempting to do? In my opinion this is the optimal time for private schools to capitalize on the growing discontent with the increasingly woke public schools. As a Catholic, I would happily contribute to expanding our local Catholic school enrollments, and dollars to doughnuts, I am not alone.


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