
As many of you are aware I now have only a passing relationship with the sport’s section in my local paper. I no longer pay any attention to pro-sports, but merely peruse to sport’s section to read about college sports, especially San Diego State sports.

The flowing is quasi-sport’s related, but is not from the sport’s section, but rather from Daybreak Insider:

Kelly Stafford, wife of Matthew Stafford, the quarterback of the Detroit Lions, took to Instagram to vent about the new restrictions Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer put in place (Twitter). Limitations were placed on indoor gatherings, indoor dining restaurants, and bars (Lansing State Journal). From the New York Post: “I’m so over it. I’m over living in a dictatorship that we call Michigan,” she posted to her Instagram story Thursday, 11/19. “If you are at risk, do not leave your house until there’s a vaccine. But shutting down all these small businesses — things that people have worked their life for — shutting them down again is not the answer. Because they will not make it. So once we are able to leave our house, once this dictatorship decides to let us have some freedom, there will be nothing left … This is my opinion … I do not like living in a place where they tell me what I can and can’t do” (New York Post). Stafford later mentioned that she would be compiling the Instagram handles of local businesses and posting them to show support, and cited a friend losing their business as a source of her frustration.

Strong work, Kelly Stafford. These Covid lockdowns, etc. should be all about trade-offs, but they are not. They are not about balancing cases, hospitalizations, and deaths due to Covid against the litany of destruction  that these lockdowns cause. I do not read about how many local businesses have gone under in the last week or month balanced against the number of local cases and the local hospital census. I only read about the latter.

Kelly Stafford is especially correct about one thing -living in certain states with Democratic governors, e.g. Michigan, is like living in a dictatorship. 

Speaking of dictatorships . . . Welcome to California.

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