Something Like This

One of the things that I seem to be hearing a lot goes something like this:

“All we have to do is hunker down, socially isolate ourselves, wear masks, and just wait for the vaccine.”

What I am not hearing goes something like this:

“How long until the vaccine is available? Will there be enough vaccine for everybody? If there is not enough for everybody, who gets priority? Will the coronavirus mutate so that a different vaccine will be needed as time goes on ?”

As I have mentioned before, developing herd immunity naturally is the natural other way for the populace to become protected against this virus. Whenever this potential approach comes up, the response from various infectious disease experts goes something like this:

“For one thing, scientists don’t yet know whether a cured COVID-19 patient will be immune from the virus for an extended period,” said Dr. Waleed Javaid, director of infection prevention and control at Mount Sinai Downtown in New York City.

“It’s also not yet known whether the COVID-19 coronavirus will be able to mutate in ways that get around a person’s immunity,” he added.

From my perspective the key phrase in these kinds of statements from the experts is “not yet known”/ “don’t yet know.” 

For the most part what they do not say goes something like this:

“If this virus behaves similarly to the way multiple viruses have behaved in the past, there is a high likelihood that those who have been infected with this virus will from then on have immunity to that same virus.”

The other thing that I am not hearing from the experts goes something like this:

“Just as getting this infection does not provide 100% protection from getting this virus again in the future, getting the vaccine may also not provide 100% protection from getting this virus in the future. We just don’t know!”


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