Social Worker Turned Politician

I assume that we can all remember the one infamous social worker turned politician. From that past experience it doesn’t appear that being a social worker, even a good social worker, can predict effective and strong leadership when that social worker morphs into a politician. Nuff said … but wait there is another social worker turned politician. This time in Arizona. This social worker turned politician is the Arizona Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs.                        

Why bring up Katie Hobbs?

I am not bringing her up because of the alleged financial backing of George Soros. I am not bringing her up because an effort is now being made to collect signatures for her recall. I am not bringing her up because she is supposedly planning to run as the Democratic nominee to be the next governor of Arizona. So why bring her up?

The background:

The Arizona Senate ordered an audit of Maricopa County ballots earlier this year, taking possession of 2.1 million ballots and nearly 400 election machines and turning them over to be audited by cyber firms. The Arizona State Senate did this because it appears that similar to what Marcellus says in Hamlet (“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”), something is rotten in the state of Arizona.

From Townhall:

First, Maricopa County, is a Republican stronghold (the words of CBS) with more registered Republicans than Democrats. As of February, there were just over 909,658 registered Republicans to 814,101 Democrats, a striking difference.  

Second, Republicans performed well in contests other than the contest for President. For instance, in the Maricopa County Treasurer’s race, which featured two non-incumbents, the Republican handily beat the Democrat 46.65% to 42.46%. Likewise, the Maricopa County Recorder, an incumbent Democrat who oversees Maricopa County Elections, lost to a Republican. In contrast, Biden supposedly beat Trump in the county by about two points. Hmmm!

Whereas, to me this certainly sounds suspicious, and an audit seems like a reasonable thing to do, Katie Hobbs is a vociferous critic of the auditing of ballots in Maricopa County.

While I do not pretend to be an expert on anything pertaining to Arizona, I have to ask the social worker turned politician, Katie Hobbs … “Why?”

Obviously there have been multiple as of yet unproven accusations of voter fraud during the last election. (Note these are not “false accusations,” the term used by the NYT, but rather are “as of yet unproven accusations.”) Are these accusations true? While some of them certainly appear to be valid, my question is “why are some Democratic politicians, like Katie Hobbs, so against discovering the truth?”

If I were an honest Democratic politician who felt that these accusations of fraud were unfounded, I would be saying, “Bring it on! If the election was on the up-and-up, let’s prove that it was valid and honest, and then let’s move on.”

However, if I were a Democraticpolitician who felt that some skullduggery did indeed occur, I would be fighting tooth and nail to make sure that the cheating did not come out into the open. 

So in conclusion, I have to ask the social worker turned politician, “Katie, could it be that you actually know something that the rest of us don’t?” Hmmm!


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