Small Groups

As I stated back in my book, The Quirky Contrarian, back in 2016 after Trump’s election, I felt that Trump’s unique ability to appeal to multiple small groups was the key to his success. Back then he had the uncanny knack to appeal to different small groups, each of which had one key issue upon which they were basing their vote.

This time what I see is his appeal again to multiple smaller groups and hence, another victory. I am especially confident of a victory after the Democratic depressing pseudo-convention and Sleepy Joe’s pick of Kamala Harris as his VP pick. 

First of all this pseudo-convention had no spunk. No excitement. Poor TV ratings, and no real plan of how they proposed to govern.

Second, KA-maal-la Harris was a poor choice, because she is unlikable and she is not African-American. She is a combo of Jamaican father and an Indian mother (a minority Indian sect called the Tamil Brahmins.) Also she does nothing to insure a Biden vote in her home state as California will go blue no matter what.

Again I see a bunch of small groups going for D.T. There about four million people from India in the U.S. Trump went to India to meet with Modi and when Modi came here, they pow-wow-ed in Texas.(No pun intended as I am not referring here to American Indians.) Like I said there are about 4 million naturalized people from India living in the U.S and only about 50,000 are Tamilbrahs.

The 250,000 motorcyclists at the recent Sturgis Motorcycle in South Dakota are predominately Trump supporters . . . not a large group, but an energetic one. “Boaters for Trump”. . . again certainly not a large group, but multiple small groups in multiple places. I recently went to a “Boaters for Trump” parade  on San Diego Bay. I was totally unprepared for what I saw. Unbelievable enthusiasm from the crowd lining the shores as the approximately 2000 boats paraded for about one hour. Enthusiasm, personified!

President Trump can add another police union boss to his list of supporters.

“Donald Trump has our back. President Trump has supported us when so many people have turned against us,” New York State Troopers PBA President Thomas Mungeer told the New York Post this past weekend.

The union represents 4,000 state police troopers and is overseen by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, an outspoken critic of the president.

This is just another small group of 4,000, but I predict that this group is a harbinger of more police unions going for Trump.

In a bit of a short change from the theme of Trump attracting many small groups, KA-maal-la Harris is doing her part by insulting small groups, like she did in 2018 when considering the nomination of Brian Buescher to sit on the U.S. District Court in Nebraska. Ms. Harris objected to the fact that judge Buescher had been a member of the Knights of Columbus since 1993 The Knights are a Catholic men’s fraternal organization . . . Horrors!! 

It didn’t matter to KA-maal-la that the KoC focuses on fund raising and charitable giving. The Knights have some two million members, councils around the world, and no political affiliation . . .but that didn’t really matter to the Senator from California, as Catholic = bad! I hope that Mr. Trump finds a way to bring out KA-maal-la’s antagonism to the Knights, as that would be another small group that could solidly go in his column.

In this same light, the Dems are far from insistent on keeping “one nation, under God,” in the pledge of allegiance (see evidence at the Dem pseudo-convention), whereas Trump is insistent that “under God” will not be deleted from the pledge on his watch. As a consequence, add Evangelical Christians to the Trump column!

Mark my word . . . there will be multiple small groups added to the Trump column before the upcoming election.

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