Shocking; Disgusting; Beyond the Pale

After the Senate vote on 2/25/19 President Trump said, “This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress.” The Senate had just defeated “Born Alive, Abortion Survivor Protection Act” by a vote of 53-44, and Mr. Trump was repulsed. I would guess even most of you who are not fans of Donald Trump will agree with his response.

Think about how disgusting this is – a baby that is born alive . . . crying, breathing, with a heartbeat is then killed, and this is okay according to 44 Democrats in the Senate! 
Compare the following two statements and tell me which one makes you want to vomit: 

Mitch McConnell said, “this is a straightforward piece of legislation to protect newborn babies.”

The president of Planned Parenthood referred to this infanticide as “a direct attack on women’s health and rights!”

Although I do not agree with the pro-abortion position in general, I can understand it. However, the condoning of the murder of newborns is beyond the pale. 

Q: Who could possibly think that this is within the bounds of acceptable behavior? 

A: 44 Senate Democrats voted against this bill. In essence they voted to permit the execution of some newborn infants, contingent on the circumstances surrounding their birth.

As could have been predicted all Senate Republicans voted to protect the lives of innocent newborns, while to their credit three Democrats, in effect, had the balls to tell Chuck Schumer, “even in your wildest dreams, murder of an innocent newborn cannot be condoned.”
Some of you might be asking why the Senate Majority Leader brought this up for a vote in the first place, as even if it passed, it would never be brought up in the Pelosi-controlled House. The answer is intuitively obvious . . . there is an election coming up in less than two years from now. The question here is whether voting that it is okay to kill babies will have consequences in the upcoming election. In 2020 there will be not only a presidential election, but also In 2020 there will be 34 Senate seats up for a vote; 22 of these are presently held by Republicans and 12 by Democrats. Even though there are many more Republican Senators up for re-election, many of them are in states that went for Trump in 2016. At this point there appears to be only three Republican Senators that are in serious jeopardy because their states went for Clinton in 2016 – Collins in Maine, Gardner in Colorado, and Ernst in Iowa.

On the other hand, there is one Democratic Senate seat that undoubtedly will  be flipped to Republican – Alabama, and three that could possibly be flipped – N.H., Minn., and Virginia.

You can guarantee that there will be a lot of commercials, some vivid, that will depict a present Democratic Senator as a “baby-killer.” Fasten your seat belts!

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