Second Time !

I have to admit that I did not watch the entire Donald Trump speech at the RNC on 7/18/24. In fact I did not watch very much of the RNC. Let’s be clear … I am going to vote for Trump, and because I live in California, my vote will not matter. I did see snippets of Trump’s speech and was moved by his recollection of his attempted assassination, but I did not watch his entire speech.
However, what I did watch in its entirety was the relatively short eleven minute speech at the RNC by Tucker Carlson. In fact, because I thought that it was so good, I watched it twice. Like Trump’s much longer speech Carlson’s speech was also done without notes or teleprompters. To me it was a speech from the heart by a concerned American.
There were multiple impressive parts. One part had to do with telephone calls. One call was from Trump to Carlson’s wife years back while Trump was President to console and reassure her after she had a very scary episode involving Antifa at her front door.
The second telephone call was on the same night as the assassination attempt. “I reached out to Trump within hours of it, that night, and what he said to me that a night having just within shot in the face, he said not a single word about himself. He said only how amazed he was and how proud he was of the crowd which didn’t run,” Carlson said.
Again referring to the assassination attempt Carlsons said,
“But being a leader is very different. It’s not a title. It’s organic. You can’t name someone a leader. A leader is the bravest man. That’s who the leader is. That is true in all human organizations. This is a law of nature. And in that moment, Donald Trump months before the presidential election became the leader of this nation,” Carlson said.
Hopefully Donald Trump be the nation’s leader a second time.
I may listen to Carlson’s speech again for the third time, and would suggest that you listen to it at least once. In fact, if you have already listened to it, listen to it a second time.
