Scary, and Sinking Fast!

Just today I read about two amazing stories that are truly scary, especially here in the U.S. Are we as a country sinking, and sinking fast?

The first story involves the ongoing battle in New Jersey between a gym owner and the governor of that state.

First the background from Townhall:

Atilis Gym co-owner Ian Smith has made a name for himself for standing up to New Jersey’s COVID-19 restrictions on businesses, despite Governor Phil Murphy’s repeated attempts to shut him down through citations, fines, arrests, having their business license stripped, and their doors locked and barricaded.”

Perhaps inside the mind of the liberal New Jersey governor as he escalated the fight, “How dare that sob challenge my authority! Doesn’t he realize that I am the governor and what I say, goes?”

Recall that when asked about the constitutionality of some of his lockdown policies back in August, this same Phil Murphy responded to Tucker Carlson, “That’s above my pay grade, Tucker, so I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.”

So earlier this week the vindictive Democratic governor escalated the fight, and more importantly escalated his “coup like” actions against the Constitution.

From Ian Smith:

“As of this morning, without warning, and without permission, and in the middle of litigation, Governor Murphy took it upon himself to empty our bank account entirely, to the tune of $165,000,” explained Smith on a video posted to social media.”

I wasn’t aware that in the U.S  a governor could  essentially steal money from someone’s bank account. Certainly in a Banana Republic that could and in fact does happen, but in the U.S.? If a governor can do it in New Jersey, can it also be done in your home state? . . . Scary! Sinking fast?

The second story is just as amazing.

From Fox Business:

“Following last year’s efforts to ban Trump Administration officials from speaking on campus, Harvard University students are now circulating a petition that calls for revoking degrees from Trump supporters and aides who attended the elite Ivy League institution.

“The petition is entitled, “Revoke their Degrees,” and was circulated by four students who attend Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, FOX Business has confirmed. It calls on the university to be “Prepared to take a stand for representative democracy and against violent white supremacy,” by specifically revoking degrees of three Harvard graduates who are supporters of the president: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX).”

Wow, it’s hard for me to understand how four students could have the chutzpah to make such a demand, and at Harvard, nonetheless!

Scary! Sinking fast?

Imagine this down the road … someone saying to an accountant or to a doctor. “Sorry, but you no longer have the qualifications to work as a CPA or as a physician, because your alma mater has revoked your degree.”

“Impossible!” you say?? 

To which I respond, “If someone can just take the money out of your bank account because you disagree with him, certainly it’s just a matter of time before someone else, perhaps four students, can take away your degree.”

Really scary !! 

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