S.A.D. (Sad and Desperate)

Well they appear to be in sad and somewhat desperate shape. “They” being the Democrats. I typically feel that their views are “sad”, but today I am referring to events that have occurred over the past few days. Events that, to me, indicate D.D.D. (Democrat Depression & Desperation).

First, let’s look at some T.V. ratings. This past weekend’s NFL playoff games had a double digit decrease in viewership despite the fact that the extremely cold weather in many parts of the country probably forced many to remain in the house for much of the weekend. This is “sad” for the Dems because of the ongoing battle between our president and the gutless liberal NFL with regard to the National Anthem protests. To my way of thinking if the NFL’s T.V. ratings are still impressively down, the country is still siding with the president on this issue. (Last year I watched a multitude of NFL playoff games each weekend, but this year . . . None!!)

Second, on Monday Night, the NCAA Football Championship was played. The T.V. ratings for this game were impressively better compared to years past. This leads me to conclude that perhaps it isn’t watching of football, per se, that the people are tired of. If the viewership numbers of the NCAA game are a reflection of interest in the game, the game itself still holds considerable popularity.
However, there is another possible explanation as to why this collegiate game drew such a large viewing audience . . .
President Trump was on the field for the National Anthem.
He stood – he did not sit or kneel!
He had his hand over his heart – not his fist up in the air!
He was positioned near the center of the field – not on the team bench!
During the Anthem he respectfully looked at the flag – not at the ground!
The response of the crowd was overwhelming positive – not like the boos that are heard when the malcontents “protest”!
None of this could have made the Dems happy . . . and more likely it made them “sad.”

Compare this to the Golden Globes. The T.V. viewership was the worst that it has been over the past six years. A good friend of mine who “always” watches the Golden Globes did not watch it this year. These ratings could have only made the Dems sadder and more depressed as Hollywood is a liberal bastion.
But there is an additional thing that is a real indicator of desperation on the left. After the Golden Globes liberal NBC proclaimed that Oprah should be the Democratic candidate for president in 2020. (As I remember, the Democrats were the ones who were proclaiming that Mr. Trump was not qualified to be our president because he did not have any experience in governing.) Granted she apparently did give a pretty good speech at the Golden Globes. I say “apparently”, as I also did not watch the Golden Globes either. What all this hoopla about Oprah indicates is that the Dems basically have no real potential candidate to put up against Donald Trump in 2020. A sad situation, and it seems that they are depressed and somewhat desperate!
BTW, keep in mind that Oprah spelt backwards is ‘Harpo’ . . . and Marx my words, sadly this only brings one image to mind!

129 Replies to “S.A.D. (Sad and Desperate)”

  1. https://plausible-poem.unicornplatform.page/blog/como-la-consultoria-en-rrhh-puede-mejorar-la-comunicacion-interna-de-una-empresa/

    Hola a todos!

    Queria compartir mi experiencia con los servicios de consultoria en recursos humanos que hemos implementado en mi empresa, y como nos ha ayudado a mejorar muchos aspectos. Somos una empresa mediana en crecimiento, y a medida que contratabamos mas personal, nos dimos cuenta de que nuestros procesos de RR.HH. no estaban tan organizados como deberian. Ahi es cuando decidimos recurrir a una consultoria en recursos humanos para que nos apoyaran con la gestion.

    Lo que mas nos ha ayudado ha sido la optimizacion del proceso de contratacion y el desarrollo de un sistema de evaluacion de desempeno mas efectivo. Tambien nos ayudaron a alinear nuestras politicas de beneficios con las expectativas de nuestros empleados, lo que mejoro la satisfaccion del equipo. Ademas, la consultoria nos ayudo a estar al dia con el cumplimiento de las normativas laborales, algo que siempre nos generaba preocupacion.

    Si estan buscando mejorar la gestion de personal, la contratacion o el cumplimiento de normativas, les recomiendo mucho considerar una consultoria en recursos humanos. Nos ha permitido enfocar nuestros esfuerzos en areas estrategicas de la empresa mientras los expertos se encargan de los aspectos mas complejos de los recursos humanos.

    Alguien mas aqui ha trabajado con consultores de RR.HH.?

    Me encantaria saber como les fue y que beneficios notaron!

  2. Оформление наследства — это важный и ответственный процесс, который требует внимательного подхода и глубоких знаний в области наследственного права. Юрист по наследственным делам может значительно облегчить этот процесс, предлагая профессиональные услуги, которые помогут избежать множества юридических pitfalls. Обращаясь к юристу, вы сможете получить грамотную консультацию по вопросам, связанным с распределением наследства, а также минимизировать риски, связанные с возможными спорами между наследниками. Стоимость услуг юриста при оформлении наследства может варьироваться в зависимости от сложности дела и объема необходимых работ, однако многие специалисты предлагают прозрачные расценки и возможность предварительной оценки. Профессиональный юрист поможет вам собрать необходимые документы, правильно оформить заявительные бумаги и представлять ваши интересы в суде, если это будет необходимо. Услуги юриста по наследственным делам позволят вам избежать затягивания процесса и обеспечат более быстрое и эффективное оформление наследства. Не забывайте, что правильное оформление наследства требует не только времени, но и знания законодательства, и это делает консультацию юриста необходимым шагом на пути к успешному разрешению наследственных вопросов.

    Обращение к адвокату поможет избежать возможных ошибок и ускорит процесс оформления наследства после смерти.

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