
A baseball pitcher cannot be successful if he throws only fastballs. He must also be able to throw a curveball and a change-up in order to keep the batters off balance. Similarly, when writing a blog, one cannot just fire fastballs over the plate all the time. There has to be some days when a change-up is in order, thus keeping the readers off balance. Today is that day.

Senator John Kennedy (R,LA) has a way with words, and consequently whenever I have a chance to listen to something he says, I do not hesitate.

From Fox News:

Senator John Kennedy, R-La., joined ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ on 8/15/22 to share his views on some Democrats refusing to throw full support behind a President Biden re-election bid in 2024.

(Start counting from right now and tally up how many of those politicians on the November ballot will be asking J.B. to come to their state to campaign for them. … I am betting on ‘zero’ with no over-under.)

SENATOR KENNEDY: “Some politicians in Washington, D.C., not all of them, but some care more about their problems than yours. And the thing they want most in the world is to be re-elected. Certain members of President Biden’s own party are running from him because they think President Biden will hurt their re-election.”

(‘Are running from him’ is a gross understatement, as ‘sprinting from him’ would be a truer representation.)

“Now, why is that? In my judgment, President Biden has stepped on every rake in the yard.” (It’s hard to think of a better metaphor than ‘stepping on a rake.’ Senator Kennedy has a way with words, and this phrase paints an unmistakable picture!)

SENATOR KENNEDY: “And I don’t mean to be unfair, but it’s been cringeworthy. He has mismanagedCongress, mismanaged COVID, mismanaged crime, mismanaged the border, mismanaged Afghanistan, mismanaged the economy, mismanaged inflation, and forfeited America’s energy independence.” [The underlining is obviously my editorial commentary, as it impossible to underline a spoken word!]

(Plus, ‘cringeworthy’ is a perfect descriptive word for just about everything J.B. does. Maybe, if the country is fortunate, he will stay in his basement and keep his mouth shut until November. … those Dems up for re-election would certainly like that.)

SENATOR KENNEDY: “Now, President Biden obviously disagrees with that. He says he’s doing a swell job, and as evidence, he offers the opinions of experts like Kamala Harris and Prince Harry.  But I don’t think most Americans are persuaded. I don’t think the American people hate President Biden. I certainly don’t. But I think a majority of the voters in our country at this juncture think he would be he would be better off selling catheters on latenight TV than serving as president of the United States.”

(‘Selling catheters on late night TV!!!’ … I laugh hysterically each time I think of that PG13 insult.)



117 Replies to “Rakes;Mismanaged;Cringeworthy;Catheters”

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