Radio’s Greatest of All Time!

In a video posted on the Project Veritas YouTube channel this week, Democratic Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’ twin sister, Becky Hobbs, can be heard explaining how the Democrat Party “across the country” donated to certain Republican candidates they saw as “extremist” in an effort to give Democrat candidates a better chance of winning.

At this point we do not know whether this was a good strategy or not. After the midterms we will be able to determine if this was indeed money well spent by the Democratic Party. Nonetheless, it reminded me that Rush Limbaugh proposed a similar type of strategy but without money. My mind is fuzzy on this, but as I recall, in the presidential primaries, he encouraged all of his listeners to vote for the Democratic candidate that he felt had less of a chance to eat the Republican nominee.

Coincidentally, this morning for the first time in a long time I came across two stories concerning Rush Limbaugh. For those non-Rush aficionados out there, this was unusual because Rush Limbaugh has been dead for over a year and a half. Because of his radio time slot on the West coast was 9am-12 noon, I was not able to listen to Rush when I was working, but would occasionally catch Rush’s week-in-review on Saturday.

Last week James Golden, a black kid from Queens, was on Tucker Carlson promoting his new book. For those of you not familiar with the name, James Golden, perhaps his radio pseudonym, Bo Snerdley will ring a bell. Bo Snerdley,  a longtime producer for Rush Limbaugh’s radio show! appeared on “Tucker Carlson Today” to promote his new book “Rush on the Radio: A Tribute from His Sidekick for 30 Years”

During the interview Golden emphasized what a truly caring and thoughtful person Rush Limbaugh was. He described an incident back in the eighties, where Rush became aware of Golden’s dire financial situation, and gave Golden $5000? 

A choked-up Golden divulged, “What Rush said to me was, ‘I don’t want you to tell anybody about this, this is between you and me; this is not a loan, this is a gift, because good things need to happen to good people once in awhile.'” Golden exclaimed, “That’s who he was. That’s who this man was. There were tens of thousands of those stories.”

Also in the interview, Golden revealed what happened the day that Limbaugh told the staff that he was stricken with lung cancer.

Golden — who became an executive producer of the nationally syndicated “Rush Limbaugh Radio Show” in 1992 — said that the first thing Limbaugh did was apologize for his illness to the staff because he felt like he was letting down his colleagues.

“Still breaks my heart,” Golden said. “That’s who he was. He cared about his staff. He cared about all of us.”

Golden closed with, “Tucker, he was one of the most exceptional human beings you could ever meet.”

Also last week

Kathryn Adams Limbaugh, widow of Rush Limbaugh, joined Glenn Beck on the radio program, to reflect on her husband’s life and legacy, saying she believes one of his greatest attributes was that “he was so humble. He had the biggest heart. He was so sincere, [and] he never forgot the little guy.”

When asked if rumors that Rush’s death certificate lists his occupation as “Radio’s Greatest of All Time” are true, Kathryn laughed and answered, “Yes, it was a way to tweak the media as a final goodbye from Rush, which we know he certainly would have loved.”


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