Pro- Choice

Let’s be clear, this piece is not about abortion. Whereas I am not “pro-choice,” when it comes to abortion, I am definitely pro-choice when it comes to schools and the education of kids. I have been that way for quite a while because in my opinion, the success/failure of how well we educate our nation’s children will eventually determine the success/failure of our nation. Furthermore, at this juncture we, as a nation, are failing. Look at just about any of the overall evaluations of how 4th graders, 6th graders, and 8th graders are doing in math, reading, or English. … Truly sad … and it doesn’t get any better in high school. 

What to do about these present abysmal results?  One reasonable option is “school choice,” meaning finding a way to help parents choose which schools they can send their children to. Interestingly, there are recent developments that are encouraging on this topic. 

From the Washington Examiner:

Republican lawmakers introduced twin bills in Congress on 6/16/22 that would establish a federal school choice program by enacting a $10 billion tax credit program to fund education scholarships.

“Our children’s education is the key to America’s future success,” lead sponsor Jackie Walorski (R,IN) said in a statement exclusively provided to the Washington Examiner. “Every child should have the opportunity to live the American Dream — regardless of their ZIP code or socioeconomic background. Offering families school options will help millions of children access the best possible education for them. As we look to our nation’s future, this investment will restore power to parents and equip every American child to thrive.”

School choice initiatives at both the state and federal levels have consistently drawn strong opposition from teacher unions who say such initiatives are schemes to defund public school programs. The proposed legislation would, however, ensure that the scholarships are available to students, even if they attend a public school. The legislation isn’t expected to pass in the Democratic-controlled Congress, but the plan should serve as the blueprint for GOP school choice initiatives should Republicans retake Congress next year.”

Speaking of elections and the topic of school choice, the following is also from a different article in the Washington Examiner:

Republican state lawmakers in several states who opposed school choice initiatives and subsequently garnered the support of teacher’s unions are consistently losing their primary elections.

In IowaKentucky, and Texas, a slew of Republican state lawmakers who bucked their party’s long-standing support of school choice and in some cases received endorsements and donations from teachers unions all lost their respective primaries in recent weeks.

‘School choice is emerging as a litmus-test issue for Republican primary voters,’ Corey DeAngelis, the director of research at the school choice advocacy group American Federation for Children, told the Washington Examiner. ‘At this point, any Republican opposing school choice and parental rights in education is essentially begging to end their political careers.’”

82% of Republicans support school choice nationwide, and those RINO’s that don’t … vote them out!


139 Replies to “Pro- Choice”

  1. 100% Agree. This is a great article that addresses a very important need for our students.

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