President P. ?

The next time you have a chance see if you can get a glimpse of Joe Biden from the side … for instance when he is walking off stage. Besides the fact that his head is in front of his feet when he walks, check out the length of his nose. Although I am suspicious that his head being ahead of his feet when he walks could be an indicator of early Parkinson’s Disease, I also am suspicious that his nose is getting longer. Now granted he is not Pinocchio-like at this point, but it is not for lack of trying! 

As most of you are aware, Pinocchio is an Italian fictional character and the protagonist of the children’s novel The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) by Italian writer Carlo Collodi of FlorenceTuscany.He is known for his long nose, which (on only one occasion in the novel, but more frequently in most adaptations) grows when he lies. Certainly if Geppetto’s wooden puppet’s nose can grow when he lies, Joe Biden’s proboscis can do the same as the longer he is the President, the more he lies.

The following examples are from a piece by Marvin Covault in Rip’s newsletter:

The border is not open.” [LIE] The truth: Every statistic associated with illegal immigration tells us just the opposite. 

Biden June 2022: “We have the fastest-growing economy in the world.” [LIE] The truth: More than 50 countries are growing faster. 

Biden: “People have record savings.”  [LIE] The truth: Wealth losses in the U.S. have exceeded $10 trillion so far in 2022, the most significant catastrophic vaporizations of wealth and savings in U.S. history. 

Biden’s spokesperson recently explained that “The economy is in a better place than it has been historically.” [LIE] The truth:  During the Trump presidency, before COVID-19, median household income rose by $6,446, the largest three-year gains in income for middle-class families in history. Under Biden, median income lost $5-6,000 in average wages and salaries when adjusted for inflation over the last year. 

Biden: “America is in a position to tackle a worldwide problem (inflation) that’s worse everywhere but here.” [LIE] The truth: U.S. inflation is higher than in Japan, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, and Canada.

Biden’s litany of lies does not include “the blame game,” where he blames everything that is going wrong on somebody or something other than himself. His blaming charade is a whole other category of lies!

Perhaps, from now on we should just refer to J.B. as President P. ? 



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