Preferences … Constitutional?

On 10/3122, SCOTUS heard two cases involving racial favoritism on admission at both UNC and Harvard.

From Townhall:

Harvard’s own admissions statistics show how the elite school’s use of racial preferences has drastically warped the likelihood of acceptance for students of different races, giving priority to some at the expense of others in a way that erased merit as a standard for admission and stripped students of an equal opportunity to attend schools that use such standards.

Regarding the Harvard SCOTUS case today(from Twitter):

An African American in the 40th percentile of Harvard’s academic index will beat an Asian student with in the 90th percentile.

See table below:


The stats in that table make no sense at all! Rewarding those less qualified because of their skin color is truly un-American. Luckily the comments from the conservative justices suggest that they also think that these criteria are not kosher, and are discriminatory.

Chief Justice John Roberts said it best: the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. 

Oftentimes, I do not agree with Chief Justice Roberts, but I do here.


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