
It’s always amazing to me that some people are so naturally smart that they know everything. Err … rather they think that they know everything. Are they precocious or merely braggadocious? One such person appears to be Evan Low, a California representative from Campbell, Ca. Mr. Low’s past education included Community college and two years at San Jose State (SJSU) where he majored in political science. He subsequently spent three weeks at JFK’s Harvard School of Government … three weeks!!

I would assume that Evan Low probably had some science in high school and perhaps in Junior college, but the odds are that as a political science major at SJSU, he took no science classes. Likewise I am sure that during his three weeks at Harvard, he did not take any science. I have diligently searched and can find no mention of Evan Low having an M.D. So how is it that Evan Low can portray himself as knowing anything about medicine? 

Recently, he introduced AB 2098, which would amend the state’s Business and Professions Code to give the Medical Board of California (MBC) the discretionary power to discipline physicians or surgeons who spread “misinformation or disinformation” related to COVID-19. The MBC currently has the power to punish doctors charged with unprofessional conduct under the Medical Practice Act for violations including gross negligence, incompetence, dishonesty, or corruption.

“Misinformation,” according to the Aug. 23 Senate Floor analysis, means “false or misleading information about the nature and risks of the virus; COVID-19 prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

Oh, now I get it. Mr. Evan Low must be so precocious that he can author a bill that in essence tells doctors in California that they need to think and speak like him … or else! This despite the fact that Evan Low most likely knows zero, zilch, zippo about medicine. In some circles sponsoring something that dictates to doctors how they must act would be considered braggadocious and not precocious.


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