Pickup Trucks …OMG!

Many years ago we were putting in “fake grass” in our backyard. In order to save money we were advised by the fake grass salesman to put a one foot circumferential border around the outside. “Saving money”… that sounded like a good idea, so we went out of the city to a stone & brick place in order to buy some pea-gravel. We had measured the border area and thus knew approximately how much pea-gravel we needed. The pea-gravel guy said that rather than paying for delivery, he would help us load it into our pickup truck. When we told him that neither we nor anybody we knew had a pickup truck, he was aghast! His face turned a bit ashen and he was temporarily at a loss for words. Now granted this was about twenty-five miles inland and not right on the ocean, but it was in California – a part of California where owning a pickup was almost assumed and expected.

Contrast this with a recent MSNBC interview on “Morning Joe.” The interviewee was New York Times op-ed writer Mara Gay. 

(BTW: I have never, and will never watch “Morning Joe,” much less MSNBC. However I did watch and listen to this Mara Gay interview on Townhall.)

Ms. Gay was recounting a Memorial Day weekend trip to Long Island to “see a dear friend,” and she was “deeply disturbed” by what she saw. 

She saw a lot of pickup trucks! OMG! … pickup trucks actually exist outside of Manhattan. Can you believe it!! 

She saw a lot of pickup trucks with American flags flying from them. OMG! … American flags flying on Memorial Day. Can you believe it!!

And here’s the coup de grâce. She saw pickup trucks with Trump flags attached to them. OMG! … Trump supporters within fifty miles of NYC. Can you believe it!!

It sounds like Ms. Gay thinks very similar to Michael Harriot, senior writer for The Root, who said, “Anyone who flies an American Flag on a pickup truck is a whole different breed of white people.” OMG! … A different breed of white people! Can you believe it!!

The rest of the Mara Gay MSNBC interview was more “all white people are racist and liberals are not” garbage – perhaps typical of MSNBC? 

Suffice it to say that she didn’t mention pea-gravel even once. I guess that there aren’t many fake lawns in the high rises close to the NYT building. 

Interesting to note that not only is Ms. Gay an op-ed writer for the NYT, but she is also an editorial board member at the NYT. OMG! … an editorial board member! That says a lot, and yes I believe it!

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